Dipartimento di Ingegneria Civile ed Ambientale
Dynamic response of masonry arch with geometrical irregularities subjected to a pulse-type ground motion
2018 Severini, L.; Cavalagli, N.; Dejong, M.; Gusella, V.
Effect of geometric irregularities on the dynamic response of masonry arches
2017 Severini, L.; De Jong, M.; Cavalagli, N.; Gusella, V.
Effects of spread and local geometrical irregularities on the horizontal carrying capacity of masonry arches.
2017 Severini, L.; Cavalagli, N.; Zampieri, P.; Simoncello, N.; Gusella, V.; Pellegrino, C.
Effects of the thickness and angle of embrace uncertainties on the limit equilibrium of masonry arches under horizontal loads
2016 Cavalagli, N.; Gusella, V.; Severini, L.
Fragility analysis of masonry arch with geometrical uncertainties under sine pulse base motion
2017 Severini, L.; Cavalagli, N.; Dejong, M.; Gusella, V.
Lateral loads carrying capacity and minimum thickness of circular and pointed masonry arches
2016 Cavalagli, Nicola; Gusella, Vittorio; Severini, Laura
Limit analysis in large displacements of masonry arches subjected to vertical and horizontal loads
2014 Cavalagli, Nicola; Gusella, Vittorio; Severini, Laura
Rapid evaluation of in-plane seismic capacity of masonry arch bridges through limit analysis
2018 Breccolotti, Marco; Severini, Laura; Cavalagli, Nicola; Bonfigli, MASSIMO FEDERICO; Gusella, Vittorio
Seismic assessment of masonry arch bridges and parametric investigation of structural reinforcement
2016 Severini, Laura; Bonfigli, MASSIMO FEDERICO; Breccolotti, Marco; Cavalagli, Nicola; Gusella, Vittorio
The safety of masonry arches with uncertain geometry
2017 Cavalagli, Nicola; Gusella, Vittorio; Severini, Laura