Dipartimento di Fisica e Geologia
3D Survey in Extreme Environment: The Case Study of Laetoli Hominin Footprints in Tanzania
2019 1. Menconero, S.; Iurino, D. A.; Manzi, G.; Barili, A.; Cherin, M.; Boschian, G.; Ichumbaki, E. B.; Masao, F. T.; Moggi Cecchi, J.
A lynx natural brain endocast from ingarano (Southern Italy; late pleistocene): Taphonomic, morphometric and phylogenetic approaches
2015 Iurino, Dawid A.; Profico, Antonio; Cherin, Marco; Veneziano, Alessio; Costeur, Loïc; Sardella, Raffaele
A nearly complete skeleton of a new pilot whale-like dolphin from the lower Pleistocene of southern Italy
2009 Bianucci, G.; Cherin, Marco; Tinelli, C.; Varola, A.
A new cranium of Crocodylus anthropophagus from Olduvai Gorge, northern Tanzania
2021 Azzara', Beatrice; Boschian, Giovanni; Brochu, CHRISTOPHER A.; Delfino, Massimo; Iurino, DAWID A.; Kimambo, JACKSON S.; Manzi, Giorgio; Masao, FIDELIS T.; Menconero, Sofia; Njau, JACKSON K.; Cherin, Marco
A new otter from the Early Pleistocene of Pantalla (Italy), with remarks on the evolutionary history of Mediterranean Quaternary Lutrinae (Carnivora, Mustelidae)
2016 Cherin, Marco; Iurino, Dawid Adam; Willemsen, Gerard; Carnevale, Giorgio
A Pleistocene Fight Club revealed by the palaeobiological study of the Dama-like deer record from Pantalla (Italy)
2022 Cherin, Marco; Breda, Marzia; Esattore, Bruno; Hart, Vlastimil; Turek, Jiří; Porciello, Francesco; Angeli, Giovanni; Holpin, Sofia; Iurino, Dawid A
A review on Bison schoetensacki and its closest relatives through the early-Middle Pleistocene transition: Insights from the Vallparadís Section (NE Iberian Peninsula) and other European localities
2021 Sorbelli, L.; Alba, D. M.; Cherin, M.; Moulle, P. -E.; Brugal, J. -P.; Madurell-Malapeira, J.
Acinonyx pardinensis (Carnivora, Felidae) from the Early Pleistocene of Pantalla (Italy): predatory behavior and ecological role of the giant Plio–Pleistocene cheetah
2014 Cherin, Marco; Iurino, Dawid Adam; Sardella, Raffaele; Rook, Lorenzo
Analisi archeometriche di reperti ceramici
2019 Comodi, P.; Zucchini, A.; Bisciotti, A.; Fastelli, M.; Cherin, M.; Rettori, R.
Before and after the earliest Homo dispersal in Europe: Evidence from the early Pleistocene sites of the Italian Peninsula | [L'avant et l'après de la dispersion en Europe du premier Homo : les preuves à partir de sites du Pléistocène inférieur de la péninsule Italienne]
2018 Sardella, Raffaele; Bellucci, Luca; Bona, Fabio; Cherin, Marco; Iurino, Dawid A.; Rook, Lorenzo
Canis etruscus (Canidae, Mammalia) and its role in the faunal assemblage from Pantalla (Perugia, central Italy): comparison with the Late Villafranchian large carnivore guild of Italy
2013 Cherin, Marco; Bertè, Davide Federico; Sardella, Raffaele; Rook, Lorenzo
Crystal structure of nyerereite: A possible messenger from the deep Earth
2022 Zucchini, Azzurra; Gavryushkin, Pavel N.; Golovin, Alexander V.; Bolotina, Nadezhda B.; Stabile, Paola; Robert Carroll, Michael; Comodi, Paola; Frondini, Francesco; Morgavi, Daniele; Perugini, Diego; Arzilli, Fabio; Cherin, Marco; Kazimoto, Emmanuel; Kokh, Konstantin; Kuznetsov, Artem; Medrish, and Inna V.
Earliest bison dispersal in Western Palearctic: Insights from the Eobison record from Pietrafitta (Early Pleistocene, central Italy)
2023 Sorbelli, L.; Cherin, M.; Kostopoulos, D. S.; Sardella, R.; Mecozzi, B.; Plotnikov, V.; Prat-Vericat, M.; Azzara', B.; Bartolini-Lucenti, S.; Madurell-Malapeira, J.
Earliest occurrence of Puma pardoides (Owen, 1846) (Carnivora, Felidae) at the Plio/Pleistocene transition in western Europe: New evidence from the Middle Villafranchian assemblage of Montopoli, Italy
2013 Cherin, Marco; Iurino, Dawid A.; Sardella, Raffaele
Earliest Vallesian suid remains from Creu de Conill 20 (Valles-Penedes Basin, NE Iberian Peninsula)
2023 Mckenzie, S; Sorbelli, L; Cherin, M; Almecija, S; Pina, M; Abella, J; Lujan, Ah; Demiguel, D; Alba, Dm
Equus stenonis (Equidae, mammalia) from the early pleistocene of pantalla (italy) and the dispersion of stenonine horses in europe
2021 Cherin, M.; Cirilli, O.; Azzarà, B.; Bernor, R. L.
Field-trip guide XXIII Edizione delle Giornate di Paleontologia
2023 Cherin, Marco; Collareta, Alberto
First report of Lutra simplicidens (Carnivora, Mustelidae, Lutrinae) in the Early Pleistocene of the Upper Valdarno (Italy) and the origin of European otters
2014 Cherin, Marco; Rook, Lorenzo
Frozen in the Ashes: The 3.66-Million-Year-Old Hominin Footprints from Laetoli, Tanzania
2021 Cherin, Marco; Barili, Angelo; Boschian, Giovanni; Ichumbaki, Elgidius B.; Iurino, Dawid A.; Masao, Fidelis T.; Menconero, Sofia; Moggi Cecchi, Jacopo; Sarmati, Susanna; Santopuoli, Nicola; Manzi, Giorgio
Guida all'escursione - Il Plio-Pleistocene marino e continentale dell'Umbria (XIII Edizione delle Giornate di Paleontologia)
2013 Baldanza, Angela; Bizzarri, Roberto; Buratti, Nicoletta; Cherin, Marco; Rettori, Roberto