CATALIOTTI, Rosario Sergio

CATALIOTTI, Rosario Sergio  

DIPARTIMENTO DI CHIMICA (attivo dal 01/11/1982 al 31/12/2013)  

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Titolo Data di pubblicazione Autore(i) File
A spectroscopic study of H-bonded liquids: the case of 1-octanol 2001 Morresi, Assunta; Sassi, Paola; Paolantoni, Marco; Cataliotti, Rosario Sergio
Application of the low frequency Raman modes for size determination of gold nanoclusters in gold-based catalytic beds 2002 Cataliotti, Rosario Sergio; Morresi, Assunta; M., Ombelli; G., Compagnini
Chemical physical characterization of materials of archaeologic and artistic interest 1995 Cataliotti, Rosario Sergio; Morresi, Assunta; Romani, Aldo; Forini, Nevio; L., Bussotti; E., Castellucci
Concentration fluctuations and collective properties in mixed liquid systems. Rayleigh-Brillouin spectra of tert-butanol/2,2'-dimethylbutane liquid mixture 2007 Cataliotti, Rosario Sergio; Palombo, Francesca; Paolantoni, Marco; Sassi, Paola; Raudino, A.
Conformational analysis of octanol-octane solutions probed by Brillouin light scattering 2002 Sassi, Paola; Morresi, Assunta; Paolantoni, Marco; Cataliotti, Rosario Sergio
Dextran grafted silicon substrates: preparation, characterization and biomedical applications 2003 Ombelli, Michela; Eckmann, D.; Composto, R.; Cataliotti, Rosario Sergio; Morresi, Assunta
Differences between human platelets erythrocyte membranes.A spectroscopic study with particular refernce to IR and Laser Raman spectroscopy. 1982 Cataliotti, Rosario Sergio; Gresele, Paolo; P., Speranzini; Paliani, Giulio; Nenci, Giuseppe Giorgio
Distributions of H-bonding aggregates in tert-butyl alcohol: the pure liquid and its alkane mixtures 2007 Sassi, Paola; Palombo, Francesca; Cataliotti, Rosario Sergio; Paolantoni, Marco; Morresi, Assunta
Dynamical properties of carbohydrates aqueous solutions revealed by Depolarized Rayleigh scattering spectra 2006 Gallina, MARIA ELENA; Sassi, Paola; Paolantoni, Marco; Morresi, Assunta; Cataliotti, Rosario Sergio
Dynamics of acqueous solutions of glucose by Depolarized Rayleigh Scattering and Low Frequency Raman Spectroscopy 2005 Morresi, Assunta; Paolantoni, Marco; Sassi, Paola; Cataliotti, Rosario Sergio; Gallina, M. E.
Gold nanoclusters in gold-based catalytic beds: size determination and polarization effects by low frequency Raman scattering 2004 Ombelli, M.; Cataliotti, Rosario Sergio; Compagnini, G.; Morresi, Assunta; Sassi, Paola
H-bonding and depolarized Rayleigh scattering spectra: comparison between 1-octanol and n-octane liquid systems 2004 Paolantoni, Marco; Sassi, Paola; Palombo, Francesca; Morresi, Assunta; Paliani, Giulio; Cataliotti, Rosario Sergio
High frequency O-H stretching modes of liquid tert-butanol 2004 Palombo, F.; Sassi, Paola; Paolantoni, Marco; Morresi, Assunta; Cataliotti, Rosario Sergio
Hydrophilic and hydrophobic properties of tert-butanol liquid system: from pure alcohol to aqueous and alkane solutions 2004 Sassi, Paola; Palombo, F.; Morresi, Assunta; Paolantoni, Marco; Cataliotti, Rosario Sergio
Infrared and Raman study of aqueous solutions of carbohydrates 2004 Paolantoni, Marco; Sassi, Paola; Gallina, MARIA ELENA; Morresi, Assunta; Cataliotti, Rosario Sergio
Isomeric effect on the hydrogen bonding of octanols from normal towards the supercritical phase. A vibrational spectroscopic study 2006 Paolantoni, Marco; Palombo, Francesca; Sassi, Paola; Morresi, Assunta; Cataliotti, Rosario Sergio; T., Tassaing; Y., Danten; M., Besnard
Isotope effects on the hydrodynamic fluctuations of self-associating fluids. A comparison between the Brillouin scattering of 1-octanol and its hydrocarbon chain perdeuterated analogue. 2005 Sassi, Paola; Raudino, A.; Cataliotti, Rosario Sergio
Isotopic and chemical dilution effects on the vibrationale relaxation rate of some totally symmetric motions of liquid acetonitrile 1999 Marri, E.; Morresi, Assunta; Paliani, Giulio; Cataliotti, Rosario Sergio; Giorgini, M. G.
Mandelstam-Brillouin spectra and hyperacoustic velocities dispersion of trideuteroacetonitrile in the liquid state 2000 Cataliotti, Rosario Sergio; Sassi, Paola; Morresi, Assunta; Paliani, G.
Modelling the hydrodynamic fluctuations in self-assembled fluids 2001 Raudino, A.; Cataliotti, Rosario Sergio; Sassi, Paola