Distribuzione geografica
Continente #
NA - Nord America 1.978
EU - Europa 1.628
AS - Asia 537
Continente sconosciuto - Info sul continente non disponibili 4
AF - Africa 1
SA - Sud America 1
Totale 4.149
Nazione #
US - Stati Uniti d'America 1.971
UA - Ucraina 656
IE - Irlanda 333
HK - Hong Kong 215
SE - Svezia 165
DE - Germania 134
SG - Singapore 131
FI - Finlandia 110
KR - Corea 94
RU - Federazione Russa 85
GB - Regno Unito 61
VN - Vietnam 42
CN - Cina 23
FR - Francia 15
TR - Turchia 14
CH - Svizzera 12
IT - Italia 11
BE - Belgio 10
AT - Austria 9
UZ - Uzbekistan 8
PL - Polonia 7
LB - Libano 6
MX - Messico 6
NL - Olanda 6
CZ - Repubblica Ceca 4
EU - Europa 4
ES - Italia 3
DK - Danimarca 2
GR - Grecia 2
IR - Iran 2
NO - Norvegia 2
AE - Emirati Arabi Uniti 1
BG - Bulgaria 1
CA - Canada 1
MY - Malesia 1
PY - Paraguay 1
ZA - Sudafrica 1
Totale 4.149
Città #
Jacksonville 388
Chandler 381
Dublin 333
Hong Kong 214
San Mateo 147
Boardman 146
Santa Clara 101
Medford 97
Princeton 97
Seoul 93
Singapore 88
Ann Arbor 85
Wilmington 77
Dong Ket 42
Andover 38
Saint Petersburg 31
Ashburn 18
Norwalk 15
Shanghai 15
Izmir 14
Woodbridge 14
Helsinki 13
Auburn Hills 12
Brussels 10
Moscow 10
Des Moines 9
Dearborn 7
Los Angeles 6
Den Haag 5
Frankfurt Am Main 4
Atlanta 3
Lausanne 3
Rome 3
San Diego 3
Tappahannock 3
Wilhelmshaven 3
Beijing 2
Brescia 2
Chicago 2
Copenhagen 2
Dallas 2
Edinburgh 2
Falls Church 2
Mexico City 2
Oslo 2
Paris 2
Philadelphia 2
Phoenix 2
Stockholm 2
Asunción 1
Baoding 1
Casalgrande 1
Chelyabinsk 1
Dubai 1
Falkenstein 1
Fremont 1
Fuzhou 1
George Town 1
Gustavo Adolfo Madero 1
Hanover 1
Hefei 1
Houston 1
Johannesburg 1
Leawood 1
London 1
Ludwigshafen 1
Lyon 1
Madrid 1
Munich 1
Nanning 1
Nürnberg 1
Prague 1
San Luis Potosí City 1
Simi Valley 1
Sofia 1
Tianjin 1
Toronto 1
Vienna 1
Warsaw 1
Totale 2.584
Nome #
Terramare: la tecnologia dell'Età del Bronzo studiata mediante tecniche d'avanguardia 77
Scientific trends of neutron scattering in Earth Sciences, Environmental Sciences and Cultural Heritage. 76
Neutron scattering research within the European Priority Research Themes in the fields of Earth and Environmental Science; outlook for the ESS. 75
Modern Developments and Applications in Microbeam Analysis. Proceedings of the 9th Workshop of the European Microbeam Analysis Society (EMAS) and the 3rd Meeting of the International Union of Microbeam Analisis Societies (IUMAS). 74
Alloy composition and textural properties of Etruscan bronzes by non-destructive analytical techniques 74
Recommended Nomenclature for Zeolite Minerals 70
Non-destructive characterization of compositional and textural properties of Etruscan bronzes: a multi-method approach 70
Neutrons in Earth Sciences and Environment - NESE Foresight Study 69
Neutron diffraction applications to the study of Roman Army bronze artefacts from Tahmusida (Morocco). 67
Bronze axes from pile dwellings of the Second Millennium BC, Italy. A neutron diffraction study. 66
Modern Developments and Applications in Microbeam Analysis. Proceedings of the 9th Workshop of the European Microbeam Analysis Society (EMAS) and the 3rd Meeting of the International Union of Microbeam Analysis Societies (IUMAS) 66
Neutron Scattering in Mineral Science, Earth Science, and Related Fields with the European Spallation Source (ESS). 66
Neutron scattering material analysis of Bronze Age metal artefacts. 65
Neutron diffraction analysis of bronze utensils from the second millennium BC, Italy 65
Neutrons at the Frontiers of Earth Sciences and Environment. 59
Below the surface of the Earth. 57
Neutron Scattering in the Earth Sciences, Environmental Sciences and Cultural Heritage within the European Priority Research Programmes. 56
Mineral Sciences, Earth Sciences, Environment and Cultural Heritage. 55
Chapter 1. Neutron Applications in Earth, Energy and Environmental Sciences. 55
High Temperature Structural and Tehrmoelastic Behaviour of Mantle Orthopyroxene. 55
Gli spazi disponibili nelle Classi delle Lauree Specialistiche per i SSD GEO-06 e GEO-09. 54
Scientific and Instrumentation opportunities for Neutron Scattering at the ESS in the fields of Earth Science, Environment and Cultural Heritage Research. 54
A P21/m amphibole at very low temperature (4K): neutron powder diffraction study. 54
Neutron Scattering Techniques in Mineral and Earth Sciences (Guest editor: Romano Rinaldi) 53
Prospects of neutron scattering research at the ESS within the European Priority Research Themes in the fields of Earth Science, Environmental Science and Cultural Heritage. 51
Perspectives of Neutron Scattering in Mineral and Earth Sciences with the ESS. 51
Neutron diffraction study of Bronze Age tools from second millennium BC dwellings in Italy. 51
Applications of neutron diffraction to the study of Archaic to Late Bronze Age artefacts. 51
Crystal chemistry, cation ordering and thermoelastic behaviour of (Co,Mg)2SiO4 olivine at high temperature as studied by in-situ neutron powder diffraction 50
Crystal chemistry and low-tamperature behavior of datolite: A single crystal X-ray diffraction study 49
Neutron scattering research within the European Priority Research Themes in the field of Cultural Heritage; outlook for the ESS. 48
On the crystal structure and crystal chemistry of pollucite, (Cs,Na)16Al16Si32O96.nH2O: a natural microporous material of interest in nuclear technology. 48
Bronze Age Manufacturing Techniques 47
Diffrazione neutronica a tempo di volo nello studio di reperti archeologici in bronzo. 46
Mineral Sciences, Earth Sciences, Environment and Cultural Heritage. In: The ESS Project, New Science and Technology for the 21st Century. Chapter 4. 46
Studies of Roman Army bronze artefacts by neutron scattering techniques 45
On the crystal structure and crystal chemistry of pollucite, (Cs,Na)16Al16Si32O96·nH2O: a natural microporous material with nuclear technology potential applications 45
Diffrazione neutronica a tempo di volo applicata allo studio di utensili in bronzo del II Millennio a.C. dalle Terramare. 44
Cultural Heritage: Artefacts and Materials. 43
Crystal-structure of a synthetic Na-Mg amphibole at low temperature 43
Tools from bronze age dwellings of the second millennium BC, Italy; neutron diffraction study. 42
Crystal-structure of NaNaMgMg5Si8O22(OH)2, a synthetic P21/m amphibole. 42
Mineral Sciences, Earth Sciences, Environment and Cultural Heritage. 42
In situ high temperature thermo-elastic behaviour and structural response of a mantle orthopyroxene by neutron powder diffraction up to 1200°C. 42
High temperature structural and thermoelastic behaviour of mantle orthopyroxene: an in situ neutron powder diffraction study 42
Neutron diffraction applied to Mineralogy, an overview. 42
ESS: impact on Earth and Environmental Sciences 42
Neutron Applications in Earth, Energy and Environmental Sciences. Series: Neutron Scattering Applications and Techniques. Vol. 1 41
Introduction to Modern Developments and Applications in Microbeam Analysis. 41
Non-destructive study of Etruscan bronzes by neutron scattering 40
Neutron scattering of archaeological artefacts. 40
Neutron Scattering in Mineral Science, Earth Science, and Related Fields with the European Spallation Source (ESS). 39
Non-destructive study of Etruscan bronzes by neutron scattering. 39
Time of flight neutron diffraction measurements for non-destructive studies on Etruscan bronzes. 39
Non-destructive Study of Etruscan Bronzes by Neutron Scattering 38
Time of flight neutron diffraction studies of Roman army bronze artefacts from the Thamusida archaeological excavations (Rabat, Morocco). 38
Studio di bronzi archeologici etruschi: analisi delle fasi e caratterizzazione strutturale mediante misure di diffrazione neutronica. 38
New insights into the crystal structure and crystal-chemistry of the zeolite phillipsite-Na. 37
Neutron diffraction for the study of bronzes. 37
Low-T neutron powder diffraction and IR synchrotron light study of synthetic amphibole Na(NaMg)Mg5Si8O22(OH)2. 37
Non destructive analysis of archaeological, historical and artistic objects and materials by neutron scattering. 36
Neutron scattering applications in the study of Earth Science and Cultural Heritage Materials 36
Transnational Networking and Joint Research Activities of NMI3 – FP7 36
Thermoelastic and ordering behaviour in CoMgSiO4 olivine, high temperature in situ neutron powder diffraction study 35
Low temperature neutron powder diffraction and synchrotron radiation IR study of synthetic amphibole 35
Phase and texture analysis of Etruscan bronzes by TOF neutron scattering 34
The potentialities of powder diffraction from neutron scattering in the crystal chemistry of amphiboles. 34
La Mineralogia, la Chimica e le Scienze della Terra. 33
Neutron diffraction for non-destructive studies of ancient bronzes. 33
Non-destructive study of ancient bronzes by neutron diffraction. 33
Non-destructive study of Etruscan bronzes by neutron scattering. 33
Neutron diffraction study of Bronze Age tools from second millennium BC dwellings in Italy 33
Non-destructive microstructure analyses of metal objects with neutrons. 33
Non-destructive investigation of archaeological metal artefacts to reveal ancient manufacturing techniques from Bronze Age settlements in Northern Italy. 33
Training Activities in view of ESS 33
Presentation of the Book: Neutron Applications in Earth, Energy and Environmental Sciences (Springer) 33
Neutron Scattering in Mineral Sciences: Preface 32
Neutron Scattering Applications to Cultural Heritage Materials and Artefacts 32
Neutron scattering for non destructive studies of ancient bronze artefacts. 32
Octahedral cation ordering in olivine at high temperature. II: an in situ neutron powder diffraction study on synthetic MgFeSiO4 (Fa50). 32
Neutron diffraction for the study of bronzes 32
Neutron Scattering Applications in Mineral and Earth Science Research: a tutorial approach 32
The Contribution of Neutron Scattering to Cultural Heritage Research. 31
The Power of Neutrons in Earth Sciences and Environment Research 31
Non-destructive characterization of alloy composition and textural properties of Etruscan bronzes: a methodological study 30
Octahedral cation ordering in olivine at high temperature. I: In situ neutron single crystal diffraction studies on natural mantle olivines (Fa12 and Fa10). 30
Texture analysis of bronze age axes by neutron diffraction 30
La Mineralogia, la Chimica e le Scienze della Terra 30
New insights into the crystal structure and crystal chemistry of the zeolite phillipsite 30
Transnational Networking and Joint Research Activities of NMI3 – First 14 months 30
Neutrons at the Frontiers of Earth Sciences and Environment. 29
Thermoelastic and Structural Response of CoMgSiO4 Olivine to High Temperature Treatment by in situ Neutron Powder Diffraction. 29
Mineral Sciences, Earth Sciences, Environment and Cultural Heritage. 29
Neutron scattering analysis of Bronze Age metal artefacts. 29
Neutron Scattering Applications in Cultural Heritage Materials Research 29
Non-invasive chemical and phase analysis of Roman bronze artefacts from Thamusida (Morocco) 29
Ricerche nelle Scienze della Terra e dell'Ambiente mediante le Sorgenti di Neutroni presenti e future 29
Totale 4.268
Categoria #
all - tutte 17.767
article - articoli 0
book - libri 0
conference - conferenze 0
curatela - curatele 0
other - altro 0
patent - brevetti 0
selected - selezionate 0
volume - volumi 0
Totale 17.767

Totale Lug Ago Sett Ott Nov Dic Gen Feb Mar Apr Mag Giu
2019/2020267 0 0 0 0 0 0 104 1 98 5 1 58
2020/2021951 13 97 21 100 291 28 102 1 119 22 107 50
2021/2022632 13 108 33 35 7 1 9 202 5 3 89 127
2022/20231.046 115 78 36 94 81 123 0 46 418 3 39 13
2023/2024434 27 35 19 4 1 4 37 16 184 11 47 49
2024/2025390 93 140 4 38 111 4 0 0 0 0 0 0
Totale 4.268