Distribuzione geografica
Continente #
NA - Nord America 3.653
EU - Europa 2.579
AS - Asia 1.190
AF - Africa 7
Continente sconosciuto - Info sul continente non disponibili 3
OC - Oceania 3
SA - Sud America 1
Totale 7.436
Nazione #
US - Stati Uniti d'America 3.646
IE - Irlanda 743
UA - Ucraina 554
SG - Singapore 525
IT - Italia 432
VN - Vietnam 211
HK - Hong Kong 207
SE - Svezia 173
RU - Federazione Russa 159
FI - Finlandia 152
DE - Germania 137
CN - Cina 131
GB - Regno Unito 78
KR - Corea 45
TR - Turchia 35
FR - Francia 33
AT - Austria 23
CH - Svizzera 22
GR - Grecia 18
BE - Belgio 17
NL - Olanda 15
IN - India 10
PL - Polonia 10
LB - Libano 8
TH - Thailandia 7
UZ - Uzbekistan 7
DZ - Algeria 6
CZ - Repubblica Ceca 5
MX - Messico 4
CA - Canada 3
EU - Europa 3
JP - Giappone 3
RO - Romania 3
AU - Australia 2
HU - Ungheria 2
BR - Brasile 1
ES - Italia 1
KE - Kenya 1
MY - Malesia 1
NO - Norvegia 1
NZ - Nuova Zelanda 1
PT - Portogallo 1
Totale 7.436
Città #
Dublin 743
Chandler 728
Singapore 432
San Mateo 376
Jacksonville 256
Boardman 227
Dong Ket 211
Santa Clara 207
Hong Kong 206
Medford 182
Princeton 182
Ann Arbor 153
Altamura 143
Perugia 129
Andover 128
Wilmington 119
Lawrence 104
Saint Petersburg 58
Beijing 57
Norwalk 45
Seoul 43
Izmir 35
Shenzhen 32
Des Moines 31
Helsinki 27
Los Angeles 26
Woodbridge 22
Ashburn 18
Falls Church 18
Rome 18
Dallas 16
Brussels 15
Redwood City 12
Shanghai 12
San Paolo di Civitate 11
Den Haag 10
Moscow 9
Redmond 8
Bangkok 7
Chicago 7
Cagliari 6
Frankfurt Am Main 6
Munich 6
Terni 6
Auburn Hills 5
Batna City 5
Centrale 5
Milan 5
Philadelphia 5
Rende 5
San Antonio 5
Fano 4
Ficarazzi 4
Florence 4
Lausanne 4
Leawood 4
New York 4
Dearborn 3
Frankfurt am Main 3
Houston 3
Messina 3
Monterotondo 3
Olomouc 3
Tappahannock 3
Aguascalientes 2
Catania 2
Gubbio 2
La Garenne-Colombes 2
Leuven 2
Mogliano Veneto 2
Orsay 2
Ottawa 2
Padova 2
Palermo 2
Quimper 2
Seattle 2
Suwon 2
Timisoara 2
Tokyo 2
Assisi 1
Athens 1
Atlanta 1
Baoding 1
Binasco 1
Birmingham 1
Bucharest 1
Budapest 1
Campagnano Di Roma 1
Cascais 1
Casoria 1
Chiaramonte Gulfi 1
Council Bluffs 1
Denver 1
Esslingen am Neckar 1
Falkenstein 1
Ferentillo 1
Floridia 1
Fremont 1
Frontone 1
Guangzhou 1
Totale 5.218
Nome #
Pulsed Eddy Current inspection based on Galois Sequences - AMSE'07 108
Numerical Modelling of Vector Fields with Hysteresis - AMSE'07 94
Numerical Modeling for the Localization and Assessment of Electromagnetic Field Sources 89
Advanced Electromagnetic Compatibility Concepts and Activities for Environmental and Biomedical Applications 85
A Low-cost Ultrasonic Rangefinder based on Frequency Modulated Continuous Wave 85
Modeling of Non Linear Extremely Low Frequencies Shields 74
Reconstruction of three-dimensional flaws in metallic materials by Eddy currents inspection - AMSE'07 73
The use of Pulse Compression and Frequency Modulated Continuous Wave to improve Ultrasonic Non Destructive Evaluation of highly-scattering materials 72
Delamination detection in polymeric ablative materials using pulse-compression thermography and air-coupled ultrasound 68
Application of Probabilistic Neural Networks to Eddy Current Non Destructive Test Problems 67
A Possible Identification and Control Technique of Artificial EM Sources 66
A Multilayer Percepron Approach to a Non-Destructive Test Problem 66
Analisi numerica e sperimentale di isteresi magnetica vettoriale in laminati di acciaio al silicio 66
Metodo per la commutazione rapida in nanodispositivi MRAM 65
A neural technique for satellite coverage plans optimization 65
A Possible Identification and Control Technique of Artificial EM Sources 64
Constant envelope pseudo orthogonal excitations for ultrasound testing 64
Accurate modelling of Hysteretic Systems for an efficient energetic conversion 63
A Swept-Sine Pulse Compression Procedure for an Effective Measurement of Intermodulation Distortion 63
Analytical Results on Pseudo-Polynomial Functional-Link Neurons for Blind Density Shaping 62
Virtual instrument for air-coupled ultrasound NDT application based on Psuedo-Noise sequences 62
Apprendimento statistico di reti neurali multistrato per predizione da insiemi limitati di dati. 62
Vector Hysteresis Model at Micromagnetic Scale - INTERMAG 2006 61
Le Attività del Laboratorio di Caratterizzazione Elettromagnetica nello Studio dell’Inquinamento Elettromagnetico Ambientale 61
Development of integrated innovative techniques for paintings examination: The case studies of The Resurrection of Christ attributed to Andrea Mantegna and the Crucifixion of Viterbo attributed to Michelangelo's workshop 61
A Feasibility Study for Electromagnetic Pollution Monitoring by Electromagnetic-Source Localization via Neural Independent Component Analysis 60
Attivita’ teorico sperimentali di diagnostica non distruttiva 60
Coded waveforms for optimised air-coupled ultrasonic nondestructive evaluation 60
Application of Probabilistic Neural Networks to Eddy Current Non Destructive Test Problems - International Conference on Engineering Applications of Neural Networks (EANN'2001) 59
A norm selection criterion for the generalized delta rule 58
Exploiting Pseudorandom Sequences to Enhance Noise Immunity for Air-Coupled Ultrasonic Nondestructive Testing 57
Ultrasonic NDT of steel: effect of the grain size on the ultrasonic propagation and attenuation 57
Neural blind separation for electromagnetic source localization and assessment - The International Joint Conference on Neural Network IJCNN'02 56
A Blind Separation Approach to Electromagnetic Source Localization and Assessment 56
Comparison of optimisation strategies for the improvement of depth detection capability of Pulse-Compression Thermography 56
Looking through paintings by combining hyper-spectral imaging and pulse-compression thermography 56
Numerical Modelling of Vector Fields with Hysteresis 54
Numerical Analysis of Eddy Current Non-Destructive Testing (JSAEM Benchmark, Problem #6 – Cracks with different shapes) 54
The use of pulse-compression thermography for detecting defects in paintings 54
A Review of Artificial Neural Networks Applications in Microwave CAD 53
Finite sample size and neural model uncertainty 51
Patent: "Metodo e relativo apparato per il controllo non distruttivo di materiali conduttori". 51
Reduction of computational cost in DFT implementation of FIR digital filters 51
A Neural Network Approach to Maximum Likelihood Estimation for Eddy-Current Back-Scattering NDE Data Inversion 51
Exploiting Non-Linear Chirp and Sparse Deconvolution to Enhance the performance of Pulse-Compression Ultrasonic NDT 50
Visual Path Following and Obstacle Avoidance by Artificial Neural Networks 49
One-Unit `Rigid-Bodies' Learning Rule for Principal/Independent Component Analysis with Application to ECT-NDE Signal Processing 49
Numerical modeling for the localization and the assessment of electromagnetic field sources 49
On-line automatic detection of foreign bodies in biscuits by infrared thermography and image processing 49
Inverse Neural Modeling for Non Destructive Evaluation 48
Classification of Eddy Current NDT Data by Probabilistic Neural Networks 48
High performance ultrasonic imaging system for online non destructive testing. 48
Magnetic imaging and machine vision NDT for the on-line inspection of stainless steel strips 48
Multi-spectral near infrared NDE of polymer composites 48
Spreading sequences for fast switching process in spin-valve nanopillars 47
From Chirps to Random-FM Excitations in Pulse Compression Ultrasound Systems 47
Ricostruzione 3D di profili di conducibilità di materiali metallici tramite ispezione a correnti indotte 47
Tecniche di Visione e Imaging Magnetico per il controllo on-line di laminati di acciaio inossidabile 47
A neural network model for CAD and optimization of microwave filters1998 IEEE MTT-S International Microwave Symposium Digest (Cat. No.98CH36192) 47
Reducing pulse compression sidelobes by means of a reactance transformation 47
Non-Destructive Test by the Hopfield Network 46
ARMA estimation by the classical predictor 46
Ultrasonic attenuation in a medium carbon forged component as a function of microstructure 46
Numerical Modeling for the Localization and Assessment of Electromagnetic Field Sources - Tenth Biennal IEEE Conference on Electromagnetic Field Computation (CEFC 2002) 45
Numerical Modeling of Non Linear Extremely Low Frequencies Shields 45
Higher order based image deconvolution in electromagnetic non destructive evaluation of metallic materials 45
Wideband microwave signal to trigger fast switching processes in magnetic tunnel junctions 45
Ruolo dell’isteresi nelle correnti di inserzione in trasformatori 45
Chirp design in a pulse compression procedure for the identification of non-linear systems 45
A pulse compression procedure for the measurement and characterization of non-linear systems based on exponential chirp signals 45
Identification of truncated narrow-band autoregressive processes 44
Chirp Spectroscopy Applied to the Characterization of Ferromagnetic Resonance in Magnetic Tunnel Junctions 44
Improving range resolution in pulse-compression ultrasonic systems by optimal filtering 44
Reducing pulse compression sidelobes by means of a reactance transformation 44
Contextual Application of Pulse-Compression and Multi-frequency Distance-Gain Size Analysis in Ultrasonic Inspection of Forging 44
Studies of Non-Oriented SI-FE Iron Multilayer Shields at Industrial Frequencies 43
Numerical Analysis of Eddy Current Non-Destructive Testing (JSAEM Benchmark, Problem #6 – Cracks with different shapes) 43
Exploiting Non-Linear Chirp and sparse deconvolution to enhance the performance of pulse-compression ultrasonic NDT 43
Industrial applications: Ultrasonic inspection of large forgings 43
Halogen optical referred pulse-compression thermography for defect detection of CFRP 43
Electrical detection of single magnetic skyrmion at room temperature 43
Effetto del trattamento termico sulla microstruttura e sulle proprietà meccaniche dell’acciaio da maraging prodotto mediante tecnologia additiva a letto di polvere 42
Vector Hysteresis Model at Micromagnetic Scale 42
From chirps to random-FM excitations in pulse compression ultrasound systems 42
Nonlinear convolution and fourier series coefficients estimate 42
Efficient modeling of hysteretic systems 42
Efficient modelling of nonlinear ultrasonic NDT systems 42
Noise-Like Sequences to Resonant Excite the Writing of a Universal Memory Based on Spin-Transfer-Torque MRAM 41
Identificazione numerica di un modello fenomenologico di isteresi magnetica vettoriale 41
A pruning technique maximizing generalization 41
Pulse-compression ultrasonic technique for the inspection of forged steel with high attenuation 41
Proprieta’ di isteresi vettoriale in materiali magnetici “soft” 40
Electromagnetic Environmental Pollution Monitoring: Source Localization by the Independent Component Analysis 40
Near infrared laser imaging through various food samples 40
Evaluation of the Lift-off Robustness of Eddy Current Imaging Techniques 40
An experimental comparison of multi-frequency and chirp excitations for eddy current testing on thin defects 40
Industrial applications: Ultrasonic inspection of large forgings 39
Optimization of the pulse-compression technique applied to the infrared thermography nondestructive evaluation 39
Totale 5.316
Categoria #
all - tutte 36.672
article - articoli 0
book - libri 0
conference - conferenze 0
curatela - curatele 0
other - altro 0
patent - brevetti 0
selected - selezionate 0
volume - volumi 0
Totale 36.672

Totale Lug Ago Sett Ott Nov Dic Gen Feb Mar Apr Mag Giu
2019/2020353 0 0 0 0 0 3 102 15 112 64 12 45
2020/20211.258 15 110 21 96 417 52 87 11 107 43 80 219
2021/20221.288 12 247 30 28 43 17 18 489 42 8 154 200
2022/20232.378 199 414 26 160 172 246 2 104 952 5 75 23
2023/2024858 74 94 52 18 5 1 150 20 75 36 118 215
2024/2025808 42 241 123 117 283 2 0 0 0 0 0 0
Totale 7.815