Distribuzione geografica
Continente #
NA - Nord America 446
EU - Europa 435
AS - Asia 166
SA - Sud America 2
Totale 1.049
Nazione #
US - Stati Uniti d'America 443
UA - Ucraina 104
SE - Svezia 102
IE - Irlanda 101
SG - Singapore 58
HK - Hong Kong 54
CN - Cina 46
FI - Finlandia 29
DE - Germania 28
IT - Italia 27
RU - Federazione Russa 16
GB - Regno Unito 11
TR - Turchia 7
AT - Austria 3
BE - Belgio 3
CH - Svizzera 3
BR - Brasile 2
CA - Canada 2
GR - Grecia 2
RO - Romania 2
CZ - Repubblica Ceca 1
FR - Francia 1
KR - Corea 1
MD - Moldavia 1
MX - Messico 1
PL - Polonia 1
Totale 1.049
Città #
Dublin 101
Chandler 99
Jacksonville 60
Hong Kong 54
Singapore 44
San Mateo 41
Boardman 28
Santa Clara 22
Medford 19
Princeton 19
Wilmington 15
Beijing 13
Helsinki 11
Dearborn 10
Andover 8
Falls Church 8
Ashburn 7
Izmir 7
Lawrence 7
Perugia 7
Saint Petersburg 4
Altamura 3
Ann Arbor 3
Brussels 3
Hefei 3
Redwood City 3
Shanghai 3
Woodbridge 3
Cerro Maggiore 2
Frankfurt am Main 2
Jinan 2
Kunming 2
Lausanne 2
Munich 2
New York 2
Norwalk 2
Ottawa 2
San Paolo di Civitate 2
Simi Valley 2
Auburn Hills 1
Caserta 1
Changsha 1
Chaoyang 1
Düsseldorf 1
Guangzhou 1
Haikou 1
Harbin 1
London 1
Los Angeles 1
Manoel Ribas 1
Messina 1
Moscow 1
Nanjing 1
Nuremberg 1
Olomouc 1
Rome 1
San Diego 1
Seoul 1
Shenyang 1
Varnita 1
Voronezh 1
Xian 1
Zhengzhou 1
Totale 651
Nome #
Glucocorticoid-Induced Leucine Zipper (GILZ) and Long GILZ Inhibit Myogenic Differentiation and Mediate Anti-myogenic Effects of Glucocorticoids 97
Glucocorticoid-induced leucine zipper (GILZ)/NF-kB interaction: role of GILZ homo-dimerization and C-terminal domain 86
Involvement of cPLA2 inhibition in dexamethasone-induced thymocyte apoptosis 83
Peroxisome Proliferator-Activated Receptor-alpha Contributes to the Anti-Inflammatory Activity of Glucocorticoids 72
Silymarin suppress CD4+ T cell activation and proliferation: Effects on NF-kB activity and IL-2 production 62
Genomic and non genomic effects of different glucocorticoids in mouse thymocytes apoptosis 57
Genomic and non-genomic effects of different glucocorticoids on mouse thymocyte apoptosis 56
Identification of structural domains responsible for GILZ/NFkB interaction 54
GILZ (Glucocorticoid Induced Leucine Zipper) is a mediator of glucocorticoid-induced apoptosis 53
GILZ negatively regualtes cell proliferation and oncogenic Ras signalling 53
Glucocorticoids and NF-kB inhibition: glucocorticoid-induced leucine zipper (GILZ)/NF-kB interaction 53
GILZ is involved in glucocorticoid-induced caspases activation and apoptosis 51
The Glucocorticoid-Induced Leucine Zipper (GILZ) inhibits skeletal myogenesis by counteracting MyoD activity 51
The glucocorticoid-induced leucine zipper (Gilz) inhibits skeletal myogenesis by counteracting MyoD activity. 50
The Glucocorticoid-Induced Leucin Zipper (GILZ) protects against DNBS-induced colitis development 48
The glucocorticoid-induced leucine zipper (GILZ) and its new isoform L-GILZ inhibit myogenic terminal differentation and mediate anti-myogenic effects of glucocorticoids 47
The Glucocorticoid-Induced Leucin Zipper (GILZ) protects against DNBS-induced colitis development 44
Role of GILZ and L-GILZ a new GILZ isoform, in the regulation of T cell Growth 37
Corrigendum to “Italian consensus conference on management of uterine sarcomas on behalf of S.I.G.O. (Societa' italiana di Ginecologia E Ostetricia)” [Eur J Canc. vol. 139 November (2020) Pages 149–168] (European Journal of Cancer (2020) 139 (149–168), (S0959804920304676), (10.1016/j.ejca.2020.08.016)) 28
Totale 1.082
Categoria #
all - tutte 4.757
article - articoli 0
book - libri 0
conference - conferenze 0
curatela - curatele 0
other - altro 0
patent - brevetti 0
selected - selezionate 0
volume - volumi 0
Totale 4.757

Totale Lug Ago Sett Ott Nov Dic Gen Feb Mar Apr Mag Giu
2019/202033 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 5 19 2 1 6
2020/2021209 0 16 16 17 52 22 16 0 32 11 22 5
2021/2022152 5 28 2 21 5 3 1 51 1 0 11 24
2022/2023276 19 32 8 11 38 19 0 15 114 0 17 3
2023/2024142 8 12 11 3 0 1 26 1 30 2 21 27
2024/2025112 1 21 21 13 30 23 1 2 0 0 0 0
Totale 1.082