In analyzing the decisions of the period relating to disputes between the bank and the customer regarding the agreement and application of interest, particular attention is dedicated to the rules on usury, anatocism and antitrust and, in this last regard, it is noted that the agreement by some banks aimed at manipulating the calculation of the Euribor index for the purpose of altering the price of interest rate derivatives stipulated by them with customers, although considered by the EU Court of Justice to be the subject of an illicit cartel, not should also invalidate the clauses of mortgage contracts with an interest rate linked to the Euribor, where the financing bank lacks awareness of the manipulation of this index and there is therefore no reason to doubt its reliability in the mortgage relationship.
Si analizzano le decisioni del periodo sulle controversie fra banca e cliente in tema di determinazione e applicazione degli interessi con particolare riferimento alle norme in materia di usura, di anatocismo e di tutela della concorrenza e, a quest’ultimo riguardo, si rileva che l’accordo di alcune banche teso a manipolare la formazione dell’indice euribor allo scopo di alterare il prezzo dei contratti derivati sui tassi d’interesse da esse stipulati con la clientela, pur ritenuto dalla Corte di Giustizia UE oggetto di un cartello illecito, non dovrebbe inficiare la validità anche delle clausole dei contratti di mutuo con tasso d’interesse indicizzato all’euribor, ove difetti nella banca finanziatrice la consapevolezza della manipolazione di tale indice e non si abbia pertanto motivo di dubitare della affidabilità dello stesso nel rapporto di mutuo.
Interessi (2021-2022)
Filippo Parrella
In analyzing the decisions of the period relating to disputes between the bank and the customer regarding the agreement and application of interest, particular attention is dedicated to the rules on usury, anatocism and antitrust and, in this last regard, it is noted that the agreement by some banks aimed at manipulating the calculation of the Euribor index for the purpose of altering the price of interest rate derivatives stipulated by them with customers, although considered by the EU Court of Justice to be the subject of an illicit cartel, not should also invalidate the clauses of mortgage contracts with an interest rate linked to the Euribor, where the financing bank lacks awareness of the manipulation of this index and there is therefore no reason to doubt its reliability in the mortgage relationship.I documenti in IRIS sono protetti da copyright e tutti i diritti sono riservati, salvo diversa indicazione.