The essay begins with a brief discussion of the concept of restorative justice in the broad sense, inclusive of all those mechanisms for resolving conflicts generated by crimes other than the “classic” penalty. These alterative instruments are aimed substantially at promoting conduct antagonistic to the criminal conduct of the offender. In the Italian judicial system, the first experiences of this type were conducted through the creation of subsystems, specifically juvenile courts and justices of the peace. Obviously, the young age of the defendant in the juvenile system and the leniency of the penal competency of justices of the peace, constituted the underlying rationale of their relative instruments of restorative justice. The need to contain the punitive response and to reduce the volume of caseloads inspired the Italian legislator to introduce restorative mechanisms also in the criminal law “of adults.” Following the performance of restorative actions, provided that the specific and stringent conditions established by law are met, individual offenders can be granted exclusion from punishment based on the lightness of the offense, or benefit from the suspension of the trial or even the extinction of the contested crime. This individual dimension of Italian restorative justice is accompanied by restorative mechanisms in the collective dimension of the administrative liability of entities deriving from the crime. In this area, restorative justice operates in more substantial ways and on different levels, both as an element of the calibration of the pecuniary sanction and as a condition for the reduction of the sanction itself. This collective dimension of restorative justice will be the particular object of our analysis.
Il contributo inizia con alcuni riferimenti al concetto di giustizia riparativa in senso lato, comprendente tutti i meccanismi per la risoluzione del conflitto generato dal reato diversi dalla pena "classica". Questi strumenti alternativi sono finalizzati sostanzialmente a promuovere comportamenti antagonisti alla condotta criminale. Nel sistema giudiziario italiano, le prime esperienze di questo tipo sono state condotte attraverso la creazione di sottosistemi (come il diritto penale minorile e la competenza penale del giudice di pace). Ovviamente, la giovane età dell'imputato nel sistema penale minorile e la levità dei reati nella competenza penale dei giudici di pace hanno costituito la logica sottesa ai loro strumenti di giustizia riparativa. La necessità di contenere la risposta punitiva così da ridurre il carico giudiziario ha ispirato, invece, il legislatore italiano nell'introduzione di meccanismi riparatori anche nel diritto penale "degli adulti", come l'esclusione della punibilità per tenuità del fatto, o la sospensione del processo con messa alla prova, o l'estinzione del reato a seguito di condotte riparatorie. Questa dimensione individuale della giustizia riparativa italiana è accompagnata da meccanismi di riparazione presenti anche nella dimensione collettiva, relativa alla responsabilità amministrativa degli enti derivante da reato. In questo settore, la giustizia riparativa opera in modi differenti, sia come elemento di commisurazione della pena pecuniaria, che come condizione per la riduzione della risposta sanzionatoria. Questa dimensione collettiva della giustizia riparativa, in particolare, è stata oggetto della presente analisi.
The individual and collective dimensions of restorative justice
Sartarelli Stefania
The essay begins with a brief discussion of the concept of restorative justice in the broad sense, inclusive of all those mechanisms for resolving conflicts generated by crimes other than the “classic” penalty. These alterative instruments are aimed substantially at promoting conduct antagonistic to the criminal conduct of the offender. In the Italian judicial system, the first experiences of this type were conducted through the creation of subsystems, specifically juvenile courts and justices of the peace. Obviously, the young age of the defendant in the juvenile system and the leniency of the penal competency of justices of the peace, constituted the underlying rationale of their relative instruments of restorative justice. The need to contain the punitive response and to reduce the volume of caseloads inspired the Italian legislator to introduce restorative mechanisms also in the criminal law “of adults.” Following the performance of restorative actions, provided that the specific and stringent conditions established by law are met, individual offenders can be granted exclusion from punishment based on the lightness of the offense, or benefit from the suspension of the trial or even the extinction of the contested crime. This individual dimension of Italian restorative justice is accompanied by restorative mechanisms in the collective dimension of the administrative liability of entities deriving from the crime. In this area, restorative justice operates in more substantial ways and on different levels, both as an element of the calibration of the pecuniary sanction and as a condition for the reduction of the sanction itself. This collective dimension of restorative justice will be the particular object of our analysis.I documenti in IRIS sono protetti da copyright e tutti i diritti sono riservati, salvo diversa indicazione.