What lives in the penumbra of the current approaches to law and literature? This book aims to explain the reasons why, at the beginning of the 20th century, law began to reflect itself in literature, transforming discrete perspectives into the two eyes of the same gaze. Retracing history in reverse, to do justice to a past that continues to inhabit the present, the pages delve into the folds of the Anglo-American legal tradition and bring to light the experiential and intellectual unrest that underpinned the legal-literary encounter. Within this framework, J.H. Wigmore, B.N. Cardozo, and W.S. Holdsworth, unanimously regarded as pioneers of the interdisciplinary vision, cease to be abstract figures and take form in a theatrical space where they move amidst inclinations and ambitions, doubts and aspirations, successes and misadventures.
Cosa vive nella penombra degli attuali indirizzi di diritto e letteratura? Questo libro si propone di spiegare le ragioni che, agli inizi del Novecento, hanno portato il diritto a specchiarsi nella letteratura, trasformando prospettive discrete nei due occhi di uno stesso sguardo. Risalendo a ritroso la storia, per rendere giustizia a un passato che continua ad abitare il presente, le pagine si muovono nelle pieghe della tradizione giuridica angloamericana e lasciano riaffiorare l’inquietudine esperienziale e intellettuale che si è posta alla base dell’incon- tro giusletterario. In questa cornice, J.H. Wigmore, B.N. Cardozo, W.S. Holdsworth, unanimemente considerati come i pionieri della visione interdisciplinare, cessano di essere figure astratte e prendono corpo in uno spazio scenico in cui si muovono tra inclinazioni e ambizioni, dubbi e velleità, successi e disavventure.
CROSSNOMOI. Incontri giusletterari
Costantini Cristina
What lives in the penumbra of the current approaches to law and literature? This book aims to explain the reasons why, at the beginning of the 20th century, law began to reflect itself in literature, transforming discrete perspectives into the two eyes of the same gaze. Retracing history in reverse, to do justice to a past that continues to inhabit the present, the pages delve into the folds of the Anglo-American legal tradition and bring to light the experiential and intellectual unrest that underpinned the legal-literary encounter. Within this framework, J.H. Wigmore, B.N. Cardozo, and W.S. Holdsworth, unanimously regarded as pioneers of the interdisciplinary vision, cease to be abstract figures and take form in a theatrical space where they move amidst inclinations and ambitions, doubts and aspirations, successes and misadventures.I documenti in IRIS sono protetti da copyright e tutti i diritti sono riservati, salvo diversa indicazione.