The essay analyzes, also in light of the innovations introduced by European Law (reg. EU 650/2012), the regulations concerning successions due to death, with particular attention to the civil institutions aimed at allowing the early succession of some legal relationships forming headed by the settlor, in compliance with the prohibition on succession agreements referred to in the art. 458 of the Italian Civil Code. Particular in-depth analysis is therefore dedicated to the study of the “cause of attribution”, which, for the purposes of early succession, must necessarily be characterized by the “non-pecuniary” interest of the settlor.
Il saggio analizza, anche alla luce delle innovazioni introdotte dalla legge europea (reg. EU 650/2012), le normative riguardanti le successioni a causa di morte, con particolare attenzione agli istituti civili volti a consentire la rapida successione di alcuni rap-porti giuridici costituiti dal disponente, in osservanza al divieto dei patti successori previsto dall'art. 458 c.c. Particolare approfondimento è dedicato allo studio della “causa di attribuzione”, che, ai fini della successione anticipata, deve necessariamente essere caratterizzata dall'interesse “non economico” del disponente.
Il sistema successorio tra canoni costituzionali e regole europee
sassi andrea
The essay analyzes, also in light of the innovations introduced by European Law (reg. EU 650/2012), the regulations concerning successions due to death, with particular attention to the civil institutions aimed at allowing the early succession of some legal relationships forming headed by the settlor, in compliance with the prohibition on succession agreements referred to in the art. 458 of the Italian Civil Code. Particular in-depth analysis is therefore dedicated to the study of the “cause of attribution”, which, for the purposes of early succession, must necessarily be characterized by the “non-pecuniary” interest of the settlor.I documenti in IRIS sono protetti da copyright e tutti i diritti sono riservati, salvo diversa indicazione.