The article examines the impact of the application of the new Regulation (EU) 2024/1624 on the prevention of the use of the financial system for the purposes of money laundering or terrorist financing also to the professional football sector. In particular, it is emphasised that such Regulation, while establishing the new EU Single Rulebook in this area, explicitly includes also “football agents” and “professional football clubs” among the relevant “obliged entities”. The consequent application to them of the related structured system of AML/CFT controls and safeguards results specifically intended to achieve a greater transparency and control of relating transactions with investors, sponsors (including advertisers), football agents or other intermediaries, as well as of transfers of football players and actual ownership of football clubs. In any case, considering the marked national specificities existing in this particular sector, the actual scope of application of these AML/CFT obligations is likely to partially differ among the Member States, due to the discretion they have been granted, although notably constrained by a specific “veto” power of the European Commission, to exempt certain professional football clubs, either in whole or in part, from said EU AML/CFT framework, in light of the clubs’ varying sports rankings and financial profiles, where there is a proven low risk of money laundering, its predicate offences or terrorist financing.
L’articolo esamina l’impatto dell’applicazione anche al settore del “calcio professionistico” del nuovo Regolamento (UE) 2024/1624 relativo alla prevenzione dell’uso del sistema finanziario a fini di riciclaggio o finanziamento del terrorismo. In particolare si evidenzia che il Regolamento in questione, nel codificare il nuovo EU Single Rulebook in materia AML/CFT, dispone l’esplicita inclusione anche degli “agenti calcistici” e delle “società calcistiche professionistiche” nel novero dei relativi “soggetti obbligati”. L’applicazione agli stessi del relativo articolato sistema di controlli e presidi AML/CFT risulta specificamente diretta alla maggior trasparenza e all’uniforme controllo delle relative operazioni con gli investitori, gli sponsors (compresi gli inserzionisti o advertisers), gli “agenti calcistici” o altri intermediari, nonché dei trasferimenti dei calciatori e dell’effettiva proprietà dei “club” di calcio. In ogni caso, considerate le marcate specificità nazionali presenti in questo peculiare settore, è verosimile che l’effettivo ambito di applicazione di tali obblighi AML/CFT differirà in parte tra i vari Stati Membri, stante la discrezionalità lasciata agli stessi, sebbene limitata da un apposito potere di “veto” della Commissione europea, di poter esentare, in tutto o in parte, talune società calcistiche professionistiche dal suddetto framework AML/CFT unionale, in funzione del diverso ranking sportivo e/o profilo finanziario delle società stesse, laddove risulti comprovato un basso livello di rischio di riciclaggio, reati presupposto associati o finanziamento del terrorismo.
Antiriciclaggio e contrasto del finanziamento del terrorismo nel “settore del calcio professionistico” ai sensi del nuovo EU Single Rulebook AML/CFT di cui al Regolamento (UE) 2024/1624.
Simone Mezzacapo
The article examines the impact of the application of the new Regulation (EU) 2024/1624 on the prevention of the use of the financial system for the purposes of money laundering or terrorist financing also to the professional football sector. In particular, it is emphasised that such Regulation, while establishing the new EU Single Rulebook in this area, explicitly includes also “football agents” and “professional football clubs” among the relevant “obliged entities”. The consequent application to them of the related structured system of AML/CFT controls and safeguards results specifically intended to achieve a greater transparency and control of relating transactions with investors, sponsors (including advertisers), football agents or other intermediaries, as well as of transfers of football players and actual ownership of football clubs. In any case, considering the marked national specificities existing in this particular sector, the actual scope of application of these AML/CFT obligations is likely to partially differ among the Member States, due to the discretion they have been granted, although notably constrained by a specific “veto” power of the European Commission, to exempt certain professional football clubs, either in whole or in part, from said EU AML/CFT framework, in light of the clubs’ varying sports rankings and financial profiles, where there is a proven low risk of money laundering, its predicate offences or terrorist financing.I documenti in IRIS sono protetti da copyright e tutti i diritti sono riservati, salvo diversa indicazione.