The Quercus frainetto woods in Central-Southern Italy. The phytosociological study and the syntaxonomic review of Quercus frainetto woods in Central-Southern Italy (Umbria, Latium, Tuscany, Molise and Campania) are presented. 89 phytosociological reliefs were analysed, 14 of them unpublished and concerning Umbria region, the remaining 75 derived from published tables regarding the other considered regions. They were used for building a matrix and worked out through cluster analysis. The investigated woods have been ascribed to the following associations : Echinopo siculi-Quercetum frainetto Blasi e Paura 1995, Malo florentinae-Quercetum frainetto ass. nova and Mespilo germanicae-Quercetum frainetto ass. nova. The association Echinopo siculi-Quercetum frainetto is distributed in the southern part of the considered area, in Campania and Molise regions. As concerns the Umbria territories the new association Malo florentinae-Quercetum frainetto is here proposed which presents a clear edaphic determinism, as it is connected with level or blandly sleep slopes and with substrate mainly represented by sandy-clay Plio-Pleistocenic sediments and tufaceous deposits belonging to the Vulsino complex. The second new association here presented is characterized by edaphic determinism too, it is named Mespilo germanicae-Quercetum frainetto and refers to north-western Latium woods. It is generally located on level grounds and deep soils, resulting from volcanic siliceous stone. All the investigated woods are included in the alliance Teucrio siculi-Quercion cerridis Ubaldi 1988 em. Scoppola e Filesi 1995, representative of the subacidophilous woods with Turkey oak mainly distributed in the mesomediterranean belt of the Mediterranean Macrobioclimate and in the hilly belt of the Submediterranean Temperate Macrobioclimate.
I boschi a Quercus frainetto Ten. presenti nei territori centro-meridionali della penisola italiana.
The Quercus frainetto woods in Central-Southern Italy. The phytosociological study and the syntaxonomic review of Quercus frainetto woods in Central-Southern Italy (Umbria, Latium, Tuscany, Molise and Campania) are presented. 89 phytosociological reliefs were analysed, 14 of them unpublished and concerning Umbria region, the remaining 75 derived from published tables regarding the other considered regions. They were used for building a matrix and worked out through cluster analysis. The investigated woods have been ascribed to the following associations : Echinopo siculi-Quercetum frainetto Blasi e Paura 1995, Malo florentinae-Quercetum frainetto ass. nova and Mespilo germanicae-Quercetum frainetto ass. nova. The association Echinopo siculi-Quercetum frainetto is distributed in the southern part of the considered area, in Campania and Molise regions. As concerns the Umbria territories the new association Malo florentinae-Quercetum frainetto is here proposed which presents a clear edaphic determinism, as it is connected with level or blandly sleep slopes and with substrate mainly represented by sandy-clay Plio-Pleistocenic sediments and tufaceous deposits belonging to the Vulsino complex. The second new association here presented is characterized by edaphic determinism too, it is named Mespilo germanicae-Quercetum frainetto and refers to north-western Latium woods. It is generally located on level grounds and deep soils, resulting from volcanic siliceous stone. All the investigated woods are included in the alliance Teucrio siculi-Quercion cerridis Ubaldi 1988 em. Scoppola e Filesi 1995, representative of the subacidophilous woods with Turkey oak mainly distributed in the mesomediterranean belt of the Mediterranean Macrobioclimate and in the hilly belt of the Submediterranean Temperate Macrobioclimate.I documenti in IRIS sono protetti da copyright e tutti i diritti sono riservati, salvo diversa indicazione.