A logistic network to harmonize the development of local food system with safety and sustainability
2015 Saetta, Stefano Antonio; Caldarelli, Valentina; Tiacci, Lorenzo; Lerche, Nils; Geldermann, Jutta
A simulation model for the operations management sustainability
2020 Saetta, Stefano; Caldarelli, Valentina; Bacioccola, Jacopo
Development of a tool to optimize economic and environmental feasibility of food waste chains
2022 Celli, I.; Brunori, E.; Eugeni, M.; Cristinariu, C. A.; Zampilli, M.; Massoli, S.; Bartocci, P.; Caldarelli, V.; Saetta, S.; Bidini, G.; Fantozzi, F.
Experimental comparison of image thresholding methods for defect detection in the papermaking process
2013 Luca, Ceccarelli; Bianconi, Francesco; Saetta, Stefano Antonio; Antonio, Fernández; Caldarelli, Valentina
Feasibility study of urban consolidation centre using traffic data analysis: a preliminary model
2019 Caldarelli, Valentina; Saetta, Stefano Antonio; Tiacci, Lorenzo
Green Logistics and transportation: the estimation of GHG emissions and energy consumptions in a industrial case
2017 Caldarelli, V.; Saetta, S. A.; Renatus, F.; Jutta, G.
How to increase the sustainability of the agri-food supply chain through innovations in 4.0 perspective: a first case study analysis
2020 Saetta, Stefano Antonio; Caldarelli, Valentina
Increasing the Eco Friendliness by reducing the Local Impact: the case of VOCless Waste Water project
2013 Saetta, Stefano Antonio; Caldarelli, Valentina; Hihnala, Sara; Tapola, Markku
Lean and green production for the modular construction
2022 Caldarelli, V.; Filipponi, M.; Saetta, S.; Rossi, F.
Lean and Green: The Green Foundry Simulation Model
2022 Saetta, Stefano Antonio; Caldarelli, Valentina
Lean production as a tool for green production: the Green Foundry case study
2020 Saetta, Stefano Antonio; Caldarelli, Valentina
Performance assessment of multi-level image thresholding for paper quality inspection
2014 Caldarelli, Valentina; Luca, Ceccarelli; Bianconi, Francesco; Saetta, Stefano Antonio; Antonio, Fernández
Technological innovations for green production: The Green Foundry case study
2021 Saetta, Stefano; Caldarelli, Valentina
The effect of quantity fluctuations on the sustainability of the waste collection
2017 Caldarelli, Valentina; Saetta, Stefano Antonio
The Effect of Quantity Fluctuations on the Sustainability of the Waste Collection
2017 Caldarelli, Valentina; Saetta, Stefano Antonio
The machinery performance analysis with smart technologies: a case in the food industry
2018 Saetta, Stefano Antonio; Caldarelli, Valentina
Urban logistics: The role of urban consolidation centre for the sustainability of transportation systems
2016 Saetta, Stefano Antonio; Caldarelli, Valentina