Distribuzione geografica
Continente #
NA - Nord America 1.636
EU - Europa 1.430
AS - Asia 482
AF - Africa 3
Continente sconosciuto - Info sul continente non disponibili 3
OC - Oceania 2
SA - Sud America 2
Totale 3.558
Nazione #
US - Stati Uniti d'America 1.622
IT - Italia 518
IE - Irlanda 326
SG - Singapore 234
UA - Ucraina 187
HK - Hong Kong 101
SE - Svezia 79
FI - Finlandia 62
DE - Germania 61
CN - Cina 56
RU - Federazione Russa 49
VN - Vietnam 44
GB - Regno Unito 34
BE - Belgio 31
FR - Francia 29
TR - Turchia 17
PL - Polonia 15
CA - Canada 13
IN - India 12
CH - Svizzera 11
NL - Olanda 9
AT - Austria 8
GR - Grecia 6
JP - Giappone 5
KR - Corea 5
EU - Europa 3
TW - Taiwan 3
CZ - Repubblica Ceca 2
DK - Danimarca 2
LB - Libano 2
AU - Australia 1
BR - Brasile 1
CI - Costa d'Avorio 1
CO - Colombia 1
CY - Cipro 1
ET - Etiopia 1
KZ - Kazakistan 1
LT - Lituania 1
MX - Messico 1
NZ - Nuova Zelanda 1
SC - Seychelles 1
UZ - Uzbekistan 1
Totale 3.558
Città #
Dublin 325
Chandler 309
Singapore 194
San Mateo 133
Jacksonville 107
Perugia 105
Boardman 104
Hong Kong 96
Santa Clara 81
Ann Arbor 72
Medford 67
Princeton 66
Wilmington 52
Dong Ket 44
Altamura 39
Andover 39
Lawrence 33
New York 25
Saint Petersburg 24
Ashburn 20
Brussels 20
Los Angeles 20
Helsinki 19
Redmond 17
Izmir 16
Norwalk 16
Beijing 15
Dallas 14
Florence 14
Woodbridge 13
Houston 12
Redwood City 12
Mumbai 10
Ottawa 10
Rome 10
Des Moines 9
Falls Church 9
Dearborn 8
Milan 8
Courbevoie 7
San Giovanni Valdarno 7
Bologna 6
Chicago 6
Gubbio 6
Livigno 6
Città di Castello 5
Lodz 5
Palermo 5
San Paolo di Civitate 5
Zola Predosa 5
Città Di Castello 4
Foligno 4
Leverano 4
Moscow 4
San Giustino 4
Terni 4
Umbertide 4
Ancona 3
Canicattì 3
Den Haag 3
Deruta 3
Olgiate Olona 3
Philadelphia 3
Pistoia 3
Reggio Calabria 3
Shanghai 3
Agrigento 2
Akita 2
Auburn Hills 2
Avio 2
Bentivoglio 2
Boulder 2
Brugherio 2
Chengdu 2
Falkenstein 2
Fossato Di Vico 2
Frankfurt Am Main 2
Fürth 2
Galbiate 2
Genova 2
Lausanne 2
Ludwigshafen 2
Mareno di Piave 2
Mogliano 2
Nagold 2
Nanjing 2
Napoli 2
Nonantola 2
Novara 2
Nürnberg 2
Patti 2
Pollenza 2
Pozzuoli 2
Ravenna 2
Roskilde 2
Rovato 2
Santa Giuletta 2
Seattle 2
Seoul 2
Serra 2
Totale 2.373
Nome #
Studio delle interazioni radicali in consociazioni tra specie leguminose e non-leguminose in rizotrone 142
Effetti della consociazione temporanea con favino sulla nutrizione azotata del frumento duro 128
High fertigation frequency improves nitrogen uptake and crop performance in processing tomato grown with high nitrogen and water supply 120
Long-term evaluation of productivity, stability and sustainability for cropping systems in Mediterranean rainfed conditions 120
Fertigation and winter cover crops as complementary tools for the N nutrition of processing tomato 87
Barley-hairy vetch mixture as cover crop for green manuring and the mitigation of N leaching risk 86
Growing lettuce under multispectral light-emitting diodes lamps with adjustable light intensity 82
Green manuring effect of pure and mixed barley – hairy vetch winter cover crops on maize and processing tomato N nutrition 81
Environmentally Sustainable Nitrogen Nutrition Management in Processing Tomato 79
Yield and apparent dry matter and nitrogen balances for muskmelon in a long-term comparison between an organic and a conventional low input cropping system 75
Eleven-year results on soft and durum wheat crops grown in an organic and in a conventional low input cropping system 73
Colture da sovescio per una gestione sostenibile dell’azoto del terreno 70
Competizione e facilitazione in consociazioni veccia-orzo 70
Durum wheat–faba bean temporary intercropping: Effects on nitrogen supply and wheat quality 67
The N Nutritional Status of Processing Tomato Grown after Green Manures 67
Apparent N balance in organic and conventional low input cropping system 66
Nitrogen fertilization strategies for organic wheat production: Crop yield and nitrate leaching 66
Competition and facilitation in hairy vetch-barley intercrops 63
Effects of N sources and management strategies on crop growth, yield and potential N leaching in processing tomato 62
Actual N availability from winter catch crops used for green manuring in maize cultivation. 62
Early interspecific interference in the wheat/faba bean (Triticum aestivum/Vicia faba ssp. minor) and rapeseed/squarrosum clover (Brassica napus var. oleifera/Trifolium squarrosum) intercrops 62
Stato nutrizionale del frumento in risposta alla concimazione organica e alla consociazione temporanea. 60
Can we modulate N supply and release from green manure crops? 57
Effetto della consociazione temporanea con il favino nel frumento duro in agricoltura biologica. II) accumulo di azoto, produzione e qualità della granella 57
Relationships between wheat flour baking properties and tensile characteristics of derived thermoplastic films 57
Capitolo 4 - Produttività delle comunità vegetali 57
Effect of organic conservation agriculture on N balance: first results of the SMOCA project 57
durum wheat-legume temporary intercrop: effects on weed control, nitrogen supply and wheat quality 56
Selenium maintains cytosolic Ca2+ homeostasis and preserves germination rates of maize pollen under H2O2 -induced oxidative stress 56
Ecosystem Services During The Transition To An Organic Mulch-Based No-Till System. 55
Data on soil physicochemical properties and biodiversity from conventional, organic and organic mulch-based cropping systems 53
Nitrogen concentration estimation in tomato leaves by VIS-NIR non-destructive spectroscopy 51
Combining roller crimpers and flaming for the termination of cover crops in herbicide-free no-till cropping systems 51
Phenolic content and antioxidant activity of einkorn and emmer sprouts and wheatgrass obtained under different radiation wavelengths 50
Effetto della consociazione temporanea con il favino nel frumento duro in agricoltura biologica. I) nutrizione azotata e intercettazione della PAR 48
Growing Lettuce Under Multispectral LED Lamps With Adjustable Light Intensity: Preliminary Results 47
Durum wheat/faba bean temporary intercropping can improve the grain protein content – Plot and farm scale investigation 46
Processing tomato–durum wheat rotation under integrated, organic and mulch-based no-tillage organic systems: Yield, N balance and N loss 46
Più proteina nel grano duro se consociato alle leguminose 45
Tensile Behavior of Thermoplastic Films from Wheat Flours as Function of Raw Material Baking Properties 44
Nine-year results on maize and processing tomato in an organic and in a conventional low input cropping system. 43
Combining Green Manuring and Fertigation Maximizes Tomato Crop Yield and Minimizes Nitrogen Losses 43
Bioactive Properties of Fruits and Leafy Vegetables Managed with Integrated, Organic, and Organic No-Tillage Practices in the Mediterranean Area: A Two-Year Rotation Experiment 43
Gestione dell'azoto del terreno mediante colture da sovescio: risultati da un poliennio di sperimentazione 42
Sustainable management of nitrogen nutrition in winter wheat through temporary intercropping with legumes 42
Using coloured roots to study root interaction and competition in intercropped legumes and non-legumes 41
Interazione Precoce tra Specie nelle Consociazioni Frumento Tenero-Favino e Colza-Trifoglio Squarroso 41
Strip tillage and sowing: is precision planting indispensable in silage maize? 37
Taste quality traits and volatile profiles of sprouts and wheatgrass from hulled and non-hulled Triticum species 37
The risk of N loss in an organic and a conventional farming system 36
Effect of Wheat Crop Nitrogen Fertilization Schedule on the Phenolic Content and Antioxidant Activity of Sprouts and Wheatgrass Obtained from Offspring Grains 35
Nitrogen fertilization levels and timing affect the plasticity of yield components in bread wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) 35
Poliannual results on soil N management and maize N nutrition by green manuring 35
Sustainable N Nutrition Management on Processing Tomato by Green Manuring plus Fertigation 35
Efficacia fertilizzante di colture da sovescio per il mais irriguo da granella 34
Towards a National Food Sovereignty Plan: Application of a new Decision Support System for food planning and governance 34
N Balance under Integrated, Organic and Mulch-Based No-Till Organic Systems 34
Potential N leaching under several fertilisation strategies in processing tomato 33
Soil functions are affected by transition from conventional to organic mulch-based cropping system 33
Rischio potenziale di perdite di azoto in un sistema agricolo biologico e in uno convenzionale low-input 32
Lentil–Cereal Intercropping in a Mediterranean Area: Yield, Pests and Weeds 31
High fertigation frequency decreases potential nitrogen leaching in processing tomato grown with high nitrogen and water supply. 31
Sistemi integrati di concimazione azotata in pomodoro da industria possono ridurre il rischio di lisciviazione di nitrati. 28
Risultati poliennali sulla coltivazione di mais e pomodoro in un sistema biologico e in uno convenzionale a basso input 27
Managing Cover Crops in Mulch-based No-till Organic Systems 27
Strip Tillage and Sowing: is Precision Planting Indispensable in Silage Maize? 25
Transgenerational effects of salt stress imposed to rapeseed (Brassica napus var. oleifera del.) plants involve greater phenolic content and antioxidant activity in the edible sprouts obtained from offspring seeds 24
Organic field vegetables grown under conservation agriculture: Preliminary results from a 2-site field experiment in central Italy 21
Agronomic performance of disc chain harrow as a conservation agriculture tool for a one-step cover crop termination and seedbed preparation 20
Crop Nitrogen Fertilization Schedule in Bread Wheat Affects the Mechanical Performances of Thermoplastic Films Obtained by Plasticization of Flours 19
Atti del 39° Convegno della Società Italiana di Agronomia 17
The Bran and Grain Grinding Level Affect the Tensile Characteristics of Bioplastics Derived from Wholegrain Wheat Flours 14
Using Beerkan Procedure to Estimate Hydraulic Soil Properties under Long Term Agroecosystems Experiments 13
Sustainable Intensification In Organic Agriculture Through The Use Of Intercropping, Cover Crops And Biostimulants: The GO.BIO Project 11
Produzioni e bilancio apparente dell'azoto del melone in un confronto di lungo periodo tra un sistema biologico ed uno convenzionale a basso input. 8
Totale 3.842
Categoria #
all - tutte 16.786
article - articoli 0
book - libri 0
conference - conferenze 0
curatela - curatele 0
other - altro 0
patent - brevetti 0
selected - selezionate 0
volume - volumi 0
Totale 16.786

Totale Lug Ago Sett Ott Nov Dic Gen Feb Mar Apr Mag Giu
2019/2020203 0 0 0 0 0 0 36 40 61 36 9 21
2020/2021518 13 38 18 35 164 17 46 54 38 12 34 49
2021/2022587 13 108 34 19 21 7 19 179 39 16 57 75
2022/20231.037 76 143 15 96 77 101 6 57 402 10 33 21
2023/2024456 40 50 29 14 6 1 64 14 66 37 71 64
2024/2025471 21 103 21 68 190 65 3 0 0 0 0 0
Totale 3.842