Distribuzione geografica
Continente #
NA - Nord America 7.999
EU - Europa 6.777
AS - Asia 2.310
SA - Sud America 35
AF - Africa 33
Continente sconosciuto - Info sul continente non disponibili 10
OC - Oceania 1
Totale 17.165
Nazione #
US - Stati Uniti d'America 7.983
UA - Ucraina 1.559
IE - Irlanda 1.501
IT - Italia 1.103
SG - Singapore 964
SE - Svezia 845
HK - Hong Kong 614
FI - Finlandia 361
DE - Germania 360
RU - Federazione Russa 300
VN - Vietnam 279
CN - Cina 259
FR - Francia 237
GB - Regno Unito 196
BE - Belgio 64
KR - Corea 62
CH - Svizzera 53
TR - Turchia 52
CZ - Repubblica Ceca 31
AT - Austria 29
PL - Polonia 29
NL - Olanda 28
BR - Brasile 25
UZ - Uzbekistan 17
LB - Libano 16
TN - Tunisia 16
RO - Romania 15
ES - Italia 14
CA - Canada 12
GR - Grecia 11
EU - Europa 10
EG - Egitto 9
PT - Portogallo 8
SK - Slovacchia (Repubblica Slovacca) 8
HR - Croazia 5
IN - India 5
RS - Serbia 5
ID - Indonesia 4
KG - Kirghizistan 4
PH - Filippine 4
AL - Albania 3
CI - Costa d'Avorio 3
CL - Cile 3
IQ - Iraq 3
IR - Iran 3
JP - Giappone 3
MX - Messico 3
NO - Norvegia 3
PK - Pakistan 3
TW - Taiwan 3
DK - Danimarca 2
EC - Ecuador 2
HU - Ungheria 2
IL - Israele 2
JO - Giordania 2
LK - Sri Lanka 2
NG - Nigeria 2
PE - Perù 2
TH - Thailandia 2
VE - Venezuela 2
ZA - Sudafrica 2
AE - Emirati Arabi Uniti 1
AR - Argentina 1
AU - Australia 1
AZ - Azerbaigian 1
BG - Bulgaria 1
EE - Estonia 1
GE - Georgia 1
HN - Honduras 1
KH - Cambogia 1
LA - Repubblica Popolare Democratica del Laos 1
LT - Lituania 1
MA - Marocco 1
MY - Malesia 1
SA - Arabia Saudita 1
SI - Slovenia 1
VA - Santa Sede (Città del Vaticano) 1
Totale 17.165
Città #
Dublin 1.486
Chandler 1.457
Jacksonville 779
Singapore 750
San Mateo 666
Hong Kong 614
Boardman 506
Santa Clara 415
Medford 354
Princeton 353
Wilmington 295
Perugia 282
Dong Ket 277
Altamura 271
Ashburn 242
Ann Arbor 184
Lawrence 180
Andover 173
Des Moines 139
Redmond 96
Saint Petersburg 95
Beijing 88
Helsinki 67
Norwalk 65
Brussels 64
Seoul 59
Fremont 55
Shanghai 51
Izmir 48
Los Angeles 45
Philadelphia 41
Woodbridge 41
Milan 29
San Paolo di Civitate 29
Moscow 27
Rome 25
Redwood City 24
Houston 23
Brno 20
Bologna 19
Menlo Park 19
Munich 19
Auburn Hills 18
Dallas 17
Bucharest 13
Den Haag 13
New York 13
Renton 13
Florence 12
Chicago 11
Lausanne 11
Terni 10
Torino 10
Tunis 10
Guangzhou 9
Gubbio 9
Dearborn 8
San Diego 8
Sannicandro di Bari 8
Cairo 7
Frankfurt Am Main 7
Simi Valley 7
Amsterdam 6
Cremona 6
Falkenstein 6
Frankfurt am Main 6
Glasgow 6
Lappeenranta 6
Madrid 6
Mountain View 6
Paris 6
Columbus 5
Falls Church 5
Ludwigshafen 5
Ottawa 5
Phoenix 5
Vicopisano 5
Zagreb 5
Belgrade 4
Boydton 4
Busto Arsizio 4
Evora 4
Hefei 4
Kiev 4
London 4
Seattle 4
Selargius 4
Toronto 4
Vienna 4
Zhengzhou 4
Zurich 4
Abidjan 3
Azueira 3
Bishkek 3
Camerino 3
Campagnatico 3
Carmignano 3
Cascina 3
Fagnano Olona 3
Groningen 3
Totale 10.854
Nome #
Manuale di Produzione del Pollo d’Erba. Progetto Integrato promosso dalla Regione dell’Umbria e presentato dall’Organismo di Filiera costituito dal CesAR, Università degli Studi di Perugia 209
Gene Expression and Localization of NGF and Its Cognate Receptors NTRK1 and NGFR in the Sex Organs of Male Rabbits 108
Antioxidant impact and ovary Δ-6 desaturase gene expression during pregnancy, milk fatty acid profile in rabbit does fed with fatty acids supplementation. 102
Manuale per la coltivazione consociata olivo, asparago selvatico e pollo rustico 98
Avicoltura Biologica. 97
Effect of dietary supplementation with alfa-tocopheryl acetate and ascorbic acid on qualitative characteristics and fertilizing ability of rabbit semen. 96
Antioxidant effects of olive mill wastewater phenols in animal model. 93
Oregano, rosemary and vitamin E dietary supplementation in growing rabbits: Effect on growth performance, carcass traits, bone development and meat chemical composition 92
Effect of dietary supplementation with olive pomaces on the performance and meat quality of growing rabbits. 91
Housing Rabbit Does in a Combi System with Removable Walls: Effect on Behaviour and Reproductive Performance 91
Rabbit seminal granules: Secretion site and main role Sperm Morphology and Pathology 90
Comparison of three cooking methods of rabbit meat 90
Transfer of bioactive compounds from pasture to meat in organic free-range chickens 90
Effects of pasture management on poultry welfare and meat quality in organic poultry production systems 88
Effect of mother-litter separation for 24 hours, by closing the nestbox or change of cage on rabbit doe reproduction performance 88
Adaptive response to exercise of fast-growing and slow-growing chicken strains: Blood oxidative status and non-enzymatic antioxidant defense 87
Caractéristiques biochimiques et NIRs des differents muscles de lapins élevé en cage ou en parc. Caractéristiques biochimiques et NIRs des differents muscles de lapins élevé en cage ou en parc 85
Apparato riproduttore nel coniglio 85
Relationship between number of sperms inseminated and fertility rate in rabbit. 85
Come “funziona” l’apparato riproduttore. 84
Effet de la disponibilité du pâturage sur le state oxydatif et sur le profil d'acides grasses de la viande de lapin. Mem. 12émes Journées de la Recherche Cunicole. 83
Effects of PUFAs on animal reproduction: male and female performances and endocrine mechanisms 83
Miglioramento genetico e fecondazione artificiale 82
A prototype of colony cage for improving the welfare of rabbit does: preliminary results 81
Dietary fish oil and flaxseed for rabbit does: fatty acids distribution and Δ6-desaturase enzyme expression of different tissues 81
Assessment of a GPS monitoring system to evaluate kinetic activity in organic chickens 80
Analisi quanti-qualitativa e valore nutritivo di un prato-pascolo dei colli del Trasimeno. 79
Assessing the sustainability of different poultry production systems: A multicriteria approach 79
Sanse vergini promosse a integratori mangimistici 78
Utilizzo di una vagina artificiale digitale per il prelievo del seme di coniglio: risultati preliminari 78
Effects of oregano (Origanum vulgare L.) and rosemary (Rosmarinus officinalis L.) aqueus extracts on broiler performance, immune function and intestinal microbial population 78
The Assessment of a Multifactorial Score for the Adaptability Evaluation of Six Poultry Genotypes to the Organic System 77
Effect of dietary vitamin E on the oxidative stability of raw and cooked rabbit meat. 76
Sistemi alternativi di allevamento e benessere del coniglio: techiche, potenzialità produttive e qualita' delle produzioni 76
Alfalfa and flax sprouts supplementation enriches the content of bioactive compounds and lowers the cholesterol in hen egg 76
Bacterial counts and characterisation of intestinal flora in organic and conventional chicks 75
Activity, Expression, and Substrate Preference of the δ6-Desaturase in Slow- or Fast-Growing Rabbit Genotypes 75
Chemical, physical and sensory traits of meat of cage- or pen –raised rabbits 74
. In vitro effects of tyre debris organic extract on the kinetic and morphologic traits of rabbit spermatozoa 74
Effect of genotype and rearing system on the native immunity and oxidative status of growing rabbits 73
Il condizionamento del seme 72
Comparison de la production spermatique de trois souches de lapins: moyennes et variabilités. 72
Combining livestock and tree crops to improve sustainability in agriculture: a case study using the Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) approach 72
Biotecnologie della riproduzione nel coniglio 71
Investigation on intestinal bacterial flora and Salmonella spp. presence in organic and conventional chickens rganic and conventional chickens 71
Ipofertilità della coniglia: Effetto del trattamento associato Alfaprostol e PMSG sulle performance riproduttive delle coniglie di “ritorno” 71
Effect of reproductive rhythm on the ovarian status and reproductive performance of rabbit does. 70
Meat quality of three chicken genotypes reared according to the organic system 70
Performance and behaviour of chickens with different growing rate reared according to the organic system 68
Con la vitamina E la carne è migliore 68
Effect of rearing system and strain on rabbit behaviour, performance, carcass and meat quality and NIRS related traits 68
Effect of induced inflammatory state on some aspects of reproductive function of rabbit does. Proc. VX Congr. Naz. ASPA. 68
Dietary supplementation of spirulina (Arthrospira platensis) and thyme (Thymus vulgaris). Part 6: effect on oxidative status of rabbit meat during retail display. 68
Genetic diversity and phylogeographic structure of sixteen Mediterranean chicken breeds assessed with microsatellites and mitochondrial DNA 68
Effect of pre-slaughter rearing conditions on the meat quality of organic chickens 67
Effetto dell’acido ascorbico e della vitamina E sulle caratteristiche del seme di coniglio 67
Assessment of a reproduction rhythm based on the body condition of rabbit doe: preliminary results. 67
Ritmi riproduttivi e benessere della fattrice 66
Animal welfare in organic poultry system 66
Animal welfare in organic poultry system 66
Effect of heat- and freeze-drying treatments on phytochemical content and fatty acid profile of alfalfa and flax sprouts 66
Sistemi alternativi di allevamento e benessere del coniglio: possibilità di valorizzazione. 65
E’ ora di conoscere l’analisi sensoriale 65
Effetto della razza e della stagione sulla produttività e sulle caratteristiche qualitative del colombo. 64
Cytokines release and oxidative status in semen samples from rabbits treated with bacterial lipopolysaccharide. 64
Effect of transport length on in vivo oxidative status and breast meat characteristics in outdoor-reared chicken genotypes 64
Oxidative stability of rabbit meat as affected by energy metabolism of muscle fibre. 63
Long term effect of post-weaning rhythm on the body fat and performance of rabbit does 63
Validation of a spectrophotometric method used for measurement of spermatozoa in rabbit semen 63
Effetto del livello alimentare di acidi grassi w-3 sulla composizione acidica del latte di coniglia e sulla risposta immunitaria dei coniglietti 63
Development of an in vitro rabbit sperm model of metal-induced infertility and spermiotoxicity for regulatory 62
Le alternative alla coniglicoltura intensiva - un esempio di valorizzazione. 62
Ovulating induction methods in rabbit does: the pituitary and ovarian responses 62
Performance and egg quality of laying hens fed flaxseed: highlights on n-3 fatty acids, cholesterol, lignans and isoflavones 62
Olive cake dietary supplementation in rabbit: productive performance and meat quality. 61
In vitro effect of nerve growth factor on the main traits of rabbit sperm 61
Aspetti comportamentali, prestazioni produttive e qualità dell'uovo in galline allevate con il metodo biologico 60
Adaptation to organic rearing system of eight different chicken genotypes: behaviour, welfare and performance 60
Ruspante? No biologico 59
"Prostasome-like vescicles and sperm interaction in Stallion". 59
Feeding strategies for rabbit bucks 59
Effetto del tipo genetico e della disponibilità di pascolo sulle prestazioni produttive e sulle caratteristiche delle carne di coniglio. Atti Congr. Naz. ASIC. 59
Effect of pasture availability on the fatty acid profile and oxidative status of rabbit meat 59
Contributo preliminare allo sviluppo di una startegia nazionale e di un piano di azione per le risorse genetiche animali. 59
Insemination extender supplementation with bestatin and EDTA has no effect on rabbit reproductive performance 59
Effect of transport length and genotype on tonic immobility, blood parameters and carcass contamination of free-range reared chickens 59
Assessing the preference of rabbit does to social contact or seclusion: Results of different investigations 59
Hypofertilite Chez La Lapine : Etude Sur Les Causes Possibles Et Les Traitementes 58
Dietary supplementation of spirulina (Arthrospira platensis) and thyme (Thymus vulgaris). Part 5: effect on rabbit meat appearance during retail display 58
Dehydrated Alfalfa and Fresh Grass Supply in Young Rabbits: Effect on Performance and Caecal Microbiota Biodiversity 58
Manuale di zootecnia biologica. 57
Use of olive leaves (whether or not fortified with sodium selenate) in rabbit feeding: Effect on performance, carcass and meat characteristics, and estimated indexes of fatty acid metabolism 57
Effect of pasture availability on the fatty acid profile and oxidative status of rabbit meat. Atti 6° CONVEGNO NAZIONALE: “Acidi grassi polinsaturi ?-3 ,CLA e Antiossidanti”, 56
Comparison of different dietary sources of PUFA n-3 on semen characteristics of rabbit bucks 56
Dietary vitamin E, oxidative stability and fatty acid profile of homogenised and lyophilised rabbit meat 56
Effect of collection rhythm on spermatozoa and droplet concentration on rabbit semen 56
Totale 7.341
Categoria #
all - tutte 80.144
article - articoli 0
book - libri 0
conference - conferenze 0
curatela - curatele 0
other - altro 0
patent - brevetti 0
selected - selezionate 0
volume - volumi 0
Totale 80.144

Totale Lug Ago Sett Ott Nov Dic Gen Feb Mar Apr Mag Giu
2019/2020933 0 0 0 0 0 18 225 71 285 101 43 190
2020/20213.019 10 228 115 250 867 221 229 38 354 112 268 327
2021/20222.794 51 456 107 212 50 22 31 903 73 93 307 489
2022/20234.989 399 755 111 349 377 574 14 257 1.931 12 154 56
2023/20242.019 124 240 99 42 109 20 355 54 341 58 277 300
2024/20251.949 106 524 257 198 698 166 0 0 0 0 0 0
Totale 18.115