Distribuzione geografica
Continente #
NA - Nord America 3.698
EU - Europa 2.673
AS - Asia 1.108
Continente sconosciuto - Info sul continente non disponibili 7
OC - Oceania 2
AF - Africa 1
SA - Sud America 1
Totale 7.490
Nazione #
US - Stati Uniti d'America 3.687
IE - Irlanda 675
SG - Singapore 534
IT - Italia 452
UA - Ucraina 420
SE - Svezia 266
HK - Hong Kong 193
VN - Vietnam 190
FI - Finlandia 181
RU - Federazione Russa 156
AT - Austria 126
DE - Germania 114
CN - Cina 110
GB - Regno Unito 77
NL - Olanda 58
FR - Francia 52
TR - Turchia 27
CH - Svizzera 23
KR - Corea 23
PL - Polonia 20
ES - Italia 17
BE - Belgio 12
UZ - Uzbekistan 11
LB - Libano 8
BG - Bulgaria 6
CZ - Repubblica Ceca 6
EU - Europa 6
MX - Messico 6
CA - Canada 5
IN - India 5
GR - Grecia 4
AZ - Azerbaigian 2
BD - Bangladesh 2
ME - Montenegro 2
MK - Macedonia 2
RO - Romania 2
A2 - ???statistics.table.value.countryCode.A2??? 1
AE - Emirati Arabi Uniti 1
AU - Australia 1
BR - Brasile 1
EG - Egitto 1
LT - Lituania 1
MO - Macao, regione amministrativa speciale della Cina 1
NZ - Nuova Zelanda 1
SK - Slovacchia (Repubblica Slovacca) 1
TW - Taiwan 1
Totale 7.490
Città #
Chandler 752
Dublin 675
Singapore 414
San Mateo 353
Boardman 250
Jacksonville 218
Santa Clara 195
Hong Kong 193
Dong Ket 187
Medford 177
Princeton 177
Wilmington 144
Altamura 134
Ann Arbor 129
Lawrence 117
Vienna 116
Andover 92
Perugia 63
Saint Petersburg 62
Ashburn 58
Norwalk 42
Des Moines 39
Helsinki 33
Redwood City 33
Beijing 31
Los Angeles 28
San Paolo di Civitate 28
Izmir 27
Seoul 23
Shanghai 20
Houston 17
Woodbridge 17
New York 16
Dallas 14
Mordano 14
San Diego 13
Falls Church 12
Brussels 11
Moscow 11
Venezia 10
Auburn Hills 9
Mcallen 9
Rome 9
Munich 8
Simi Valley 8
Den Haag 7
Kraków 7
Renton 7
Chicago 6
Espoo 6
Florence 6
Frankfurt Am Main 5
Milan 5
Capua 4
Caserta 4
Piediluco 4
Redmond 4
Sezze 4
Tappahannock 4
Turin 4
Bologna 3
Dimitrovgrad 3
Duncan 3
Fairfield 3
London 3
Ottawa 3
Philadelphia 3
Torino 3
Acerra 2
Austin 2
Baku 2
Bengaluru 2
Cavagnolo 2
Ceccano 2
Changsha 2
Chongqing 2
Cusago 2
Edinburgh 2
Erbusco 2
Frankfurt am Main 2
Hanoi 2
Hanover 2
Hefei 2
Menfi 2
Modugno 2
Nanjing 2
Naples 2
Podgorica 2
Ponte 2
San Marzano sul Sarno 2
San Vitaliano 2
Schlieren 2
Seregno 2
Sofia 2
Tavagnasco 2
Toronto 2
Tower Hamlets 2
Udine 2
Anyang 1
Aprilia 1
Totale 5.151
Nome #
Abdominal Aortic Endografting Beyond the Trials: A 15-Year Single-Center Experience Comparing Newer to Older Generation Stent-Grafts 115
Risultati della chirurgia endovascolare: analisi delle esperienze multicentriche 109
Cerebral embolic protection during carotid artery stenting 104
Thoracic aortic graft infection after disseminated tuberculosis 103
Aorto-bronchial and aorto-pulmonary fistulation after thoracic endovascular aortic repair: an analysis from the European Registry of Endovascular Aortic Repair Complications 102
Carotid artery stenting: technical issues and role of operators' experience 93
Current Results of Total Endovascular Repair of Thoracoabdominal Aortic Aneurysms 89
Contemporary comparison of aortic arch repair by endovascular and open surgical reconstructions 87
Appropriateness of learning curve for carotid artery stenting: an analysis of periprocedural complications 83
Complications after endovascular treatment of extensive iliac artery disease 83
Le endoprotesi fenestrate e branched 82
A prospective epidemiological survey of the natural history of chronic leg ischaemia. Evidence of the severity of prognosis and need for large-scale clinical trials 79
Conversion to open repair after endografting for abdominal aortic aneurysm: causes, incidence and results 76
Abstract 2652: Carotid Revascularization Provides Similar Outcomes in Symptomatic and Asymptomatic Patients with <70 Years 75
Toraco-abdominal aneurysms. Follow-up and reinterventions 72
The Knickerbocker Technique for Endovascular Exclusion of False Lumen in Chronic Type B Aortic Dissection 72
Urgent open surgery after endovascular AAA repair 71
CAESAR Trial 71
Abstract 12752: Mortality Risk for Ruptured Abdominal Aortic Aneurysm After Endovascular and Open Intervention in Women 69
Abstract 5: Early and Long-term Safety of Stenting and Endarterectomy in Symptomatic and Asymptomatic Patients Outside Randomized Trials 68
Absidia corymbifera necrotizing cellulitis in an immunocompromised patient while on voriconazole treatment 68
Aortic endovascular grafting: A comparison between local and general anaesthesia (Article) [Trattamento endovascolare degli aneurismi dell'aorta addominale: Confronto tra anestesia loco-regionale e generale] 67
Are side branches and fenestrations solutions for challenging aortic anatomies? 66
State of the art of endoluminal treatment of abdominal aortic aneurysm 65
Il trattamento degli aneurismi iliaci ricorrenti dopo correzione chirurgica endovascolare di aneurismi sorto-iliaci: side branch iliaca con accesso ascellare 64
Role of duplex scan in endoleak detection after endoluminal abdominal aortic aneurysm repair 64
By pass e reimpianto carotido-succlavio nelle sindromi da furto: indicazioni e tattica chirurgica 63
Computerised tomography findings as a risk factor in carotid endarterectomy: Early and late results 61
Clinical effect of abdominal aortic aneurysm endografting: 7-year concurrent comparison with open repair. 61
Are intrasac pressure measurements useful after endovascular repair of abdominal aortic aneurysms? 61
Fate of proximal aorta following open infrarenal aneurysm repair 60
Il volet costale nei traumi dell’anziano. Nostra esperienza 60
Long-term mortality and its predictors in patients with critical leg ischemia 59
Mid-term Outcomes of EVAR Performed in AAA With Large Infrarenal Necks 59
Aneurysmal evolution after stent-grafting for aortic dissection 59
Anomalous carotid vertebral anastomoses and carotid endarterectomy 59
Open surgery after endovascular AAA repair. 58
Endovascular abdominal aortic aneurysm repair in high-risk patients: a single centre experience. 58
Outcome after endografting in small and large abdominal aortic aneurysms: a metanalysis 57
Endovascular repair of thoracic aortic aneurysms: Toward a new standard of treatment 57
Gli aneurismi dell’aorta addominale: destino clinico dei pazienti operati e risultati a distanza. 57
A Propensity-Matched Comparison for Endovascular and Open Repair of Thoracoabdominal Aortic Aneurysms 57
Abstract 53: Development of Standardized Approach in Symptomatic Carotid Stenosis for Early Intervention 57
Chirurgia endovascolare 56
Choices of Stent and Cerebral Protection in the Ongoing ACST-2 Trial: A Descriptive Study (vol 53, pg 617, 2017) 56
Embolization or revascularization of hypogastric arteries during endovascular aortic aneurysm repair 55
Follow-Up e Complicanze 54
Total endovascular solution for complex visceral aneurysms. 54
Post-implant imaging of the aortic aneurysm and device 54
Fourteen-Year Outcomes of Abdominal Aortic Endovascular Repair With the Zenith Stent Graft 54
Does gender influence outcome of AAA endoluminal repair? 53
Epidemiologia dell’insufficienza cerebro-vascolare 53
Aneurysms of the Thoraco-abdominal Aorta: A Comparison with Propensity Score between Endovascular Repair and Open Surgery for 53
Secondary Procedures Following Iliac Branch Device Treatment of Aneurysms Involving the Iliac Bifurcation: The pELVIS Registry 53
Endovascular grafts follow-up: is duplex scan sufficient? 52
Fourteen-year outcomes of abdominal aortic endovascular repair with the Zenith stent graft 52
Coexisting hypogastric aneurysms worsen the outcomes of endovascular treatment by the iliac branch devices within the pELVIS Registry 52
Iliac Branch Devices in Women: Results From the pELVIS Registry 52
National Directives Needed for EVAR in Italy 51
Late endovascular reoperations after EVAR failure 51
Complicanze e risultati del trattamento endovascolare 51
Internal carotid artery stenting in the elderly 50
Endoleak after endovascular aortic repair: classification, diagnosis and management following endovascular thoracic and abdominal aortic repair. 50
Does reintervention influence the late results of EVAR? 50
Low T3 syndrome: loco-regional anesthesia versus narcosis 50
Comparison of surveillance vs Aortic Endografting for Small Aneurysm Repair (CAESAR) trial: study design and progress. 50
Endovascular versus conventional treatment of AAA: 7-year follow-up 49
Different types of infrarenal (modular, unibody, aorto-uni-iliac) and thoracic endografts: advantages and drawbacks 49
Eversion versus conventional carotid endarterectomy: late results of a prospective multicenter randomized trial 49
Esperienza monocentrica con iliac branched devices, risultati a 10 anni in 150 pazienti consecutivi 49
A propensity-matched comparison for endovascular and open repair of thoracoabdominal aortic aneurysms 49
A randomized study on eversion versus standard carotid endarterectomy: Study design and preliminary results: The EVEREST Trial 48
L’addome acuto in età pediatrica (esperienze personali). 47
Outcomes of endovascular aneurysm repair performed in abdominal aortic aneurysms with large infrarenal necks 47
Preliminary results of endovascular aneurysm sealing from the multicenter Italian Research on Nellix Endoprosthesis (IRENE) study 47
Late outcomes of different hypogastric stent grafts in aortoiliac endografting with iliac branch device: Results from the pELVIS Registry 47
Standard “off-the-shelf” multibranched thoracoabdominal endograft in urgent and elective patients with single and staged procedures in a multicenter experience 47
Impatto dell'età e del timing sulla sopravvivenza dopo il trattamento endovascolare dell'aorta toracica 46
Endovascular treatment of thoraco-abdominal aortic aneurysm with branched endografts - The Perugia-Rome experience. 45
Comments regarding 'Stent-assisted remote iliac artery endarterectomy: an alternative approach to treating combined external iliac and common femoral artery disease' 45
Contemporary Comparison of Aortic Arch Repair by Endovascular and Open Surgery 45
Risultati del trattamento endovascolare degli aneurismi pararenali e toracoaddominali mediante endoprotesi fenestrate e ramificate 44
Diabetes is Not a Predictor of Adverse Outcome after Carotid Revascularization with Carotid Angioplasty and Stenting (CAS) 43
Carotid stenosis and coronary artery disease in the elderly: The vascular surgeon's point of view 43
Approccio di base alla patologia carotidea: attuali dimensioni del problema 43
Peripheral Arterial Disease: Femoro-Popliteal Vessels 43
Thoraco-abdominal aneurysms. Follow-up and reinterventions. 43
Type II Endoleak: An Ambiguous and Unpredictable Marker of Worse Outcome After EVAR 43
Commentary to "Endovascular Repair of Infrarenal Abdominal Aortic Aneurysms in High Surgical Risk Patients." 42
Italian Percutaneous EVAR (IPER) Registry: Outcomes of 2381 percutaneous femoral access sites' closure for aortic stent-graft 42
Part Two: Against the Motion. Measuring Intra-sac Pressure Measurements is of No Benefit to the Patient 42
Il monitoraggio con le protesi fenestrate 41
Discussion 41
Early abdominal aortic graft infection due to Propionibacterium acnes: a case report and review of the literature 41
Results of aberrant right subclavian artery aneurysm repair 41
About fitness, safety and risk of AAA repair, what is the best ... in good anatomy patients? 40
The Fate of Patients Treated in Emergency for True-Ruptured Abdominal Aortic Aneurysms After 30 Days and 6 Months: Is There a Benefit from Endovascular Repair? 39
Totale 5.872
Categoria #
all - tutte 38.131
article - articoli 0
book - libri 0
conference - conferenze 0
curatela - curatele 0
other - altro 0
patent - brevetti 0
selected - selezionate 0
volume - volumi 0
Totale 38.131

Totale Lug Ago Sett Ott Nov Dic Gen Feb Mar Apr Mag Giu
2019/2020226 0 0 0 0 0 5 56 3 70 40 8 44
2020/20211.181 6 59 39 64 421 65 74 12 105 49 83 204
2021/20221.266 22 240 35 60 15 9 14 451 27 19 151 223
2022/20232.353 202 454 30 194 208 219 0 96 855 5 68 22
2023/2024793 59 100 38 20 5 13 141 32 71 32 136 146
2024/2025850 34 244 52 81 349 90 0 0 0 0 0 0
Totale 8.133