VINCI, Alessandra
 Distribuzione geografica
Continente #
NA - Nord America 771
EU - Europa 691
AS - Asia 328
SA - Sud America 78
AF - Africa 3
Continente sconosciuto - Info sul continente non disponibili 1
OC - Oceania 1
Totale 1.873
Nazione #
US - Stati Uniti d'America 766
IT - Italia 198
IE - Irlanda 156
SG - Singapore 134
UA - Ucraina 90
BR - Brasile 68
HK - Hong Kong 60
FR - Francia 53
SE - Svezia 46
VN - Vietnam 42
CN - Cina 34
FI - Finlandia 33
DE - Germania 28
KR - Corea 21
RU - Federazione Russa 16
TR - Turchia 16
GB - Regno Unito 13
BE - Belgio 12
NL - Olanda 9
CH - Svizzera 8
ES - Italia 7
AT - Austria 5
GR - Grecia 5
CL - Cile 4
IQ - Iraq 4
PL - Polonia 3
RS - Serbia 3
UZ - Uzbekistan 3
AR - Argentina 2
BD - Bangladesh 2
CO - Colombia 2
CZ - Repubblica Ceca 2
EC - Ecuador 2
GH - Ghana 2
JO - Giordania 2
LB - Libano 2
MX - Messico 2
PK - Pakistan 2
AL - Albania 1
AU - Australia 1
BG - Bulgaria 1
BH - Bahrain 1
CA - Canada 1
DZ - Algeria 1
EE - Estonia 1
EU - Europa 1
HN - Honduras 1
HU - Ungheria 1
IL - Israele 1
JM - Giamaica 1
KG - Kirghizistan 1
PS - Palestinian Territory 1
SY - Repubblica araba siriana 1
TM - Turkmenistan 1
Totale 1.873
Città #
Dublin 156
Chandler 143
Singapore 104
Perugia 87
Hong Kong 60
San Mateo 50
Jacksonville 48
Boardman 47
Santa Clara 42
Dong Ket 41
Ann Arbor 40
Wilmington 32
Medford 27
Princeton 27
Des Moines 21
Seoul 21
Beijing 15
Andover 14
Helsinki 14
Redmond 14
Altamura 13
Brussels 12
Lawrence 11
Ashburn 10
Falls Church 9
Los Angeles 9
Izmir 8
Johnson City 8
Magione 8
San Lazzaro Di Savena 8
Norwalk 7
Saint Petersburg 7
Dallas 6
Florence 6
Palermo 6
Chicago 5
Amsterdam 4
Goiânia 4
New York 4
Seville 4
Shanghai 4
São Paulo 4
Porto Alegre 3
Rio de Janeiro 3
San Paolo di Civitate 3
Vienna 3
Woodbridge 3
Zurich 3
Accra 2
Amman 2
Atakum 2
Boydton 2
Campoformido 2
Cesa 2
Chillan 2
Città Di Castello 2
Città di Castello 2
Corinaldo 2
Fortaleza 2
Gubbio 2
Houston 2
Kiev 2
Larissa 2
Lyon 2
Milan 2
Modena 2
Munich 2
Olomouc 2
Recife 2
Rieti 2
Rome 2
São José 2
São José dos Campos 2
Tekirdağ 2
Wroclaw 2
Abbottabad 1
Alfenas 1
Ambato 1
Ancona 1
Arapiraca 1
Ashgabat 1
Astoria 1
Auburn Hills 1
Baghdad 1
Barueri 1
Belford Roxo 1
Belgrade 1
Belo Horizonte 1
Birkhadem 1
Bishkek 1
Bogotá 1
Bologna 1
Brasília 1
Brisbane 1
Brusaporto 1
Bursa 1
Campinas 1
Carpi 1
Champaign 1
Chapecó 1
Totale 1.257
Nome #
Comparison between the evapotranspiration of alfalfa measured by eddy covariance and estimated by FAO 56 method in Central Italy 129
Evapotranspiration of alfalfa: comparison between eddy covariance measurements and the FAO-56 approach estimates in Central Italy. 99
Measuring rill erosion by laser scanning 88
A smartphone camera for the structure from motion reconstruction for measuring soil surface variations and soil loss due to erosion 85
Analisi della variabilità della misura di perdita di suolo a scala parcellare in una stazione sperimentale umbra 81
Calibrazione di un sistema di misura di erosione idrica a scala di parcella 81
Analysis of rainfed alfalfa evapotranspiration measured by an eddy covariance system 70
Measures of rainfall erosion at the plot scale in Central Italy 69
Calibration of manual measurements of rills using Terrestrial Laser Scanning 69
Monitoraggio dello stress idrico del melone mediante sensori di temperatura fogliare 67
Changes in water resources availability for crop systems: a case study in the region of Umbria 64
Analysis of the relationship between soil loss and soil roughness at the Masse experimental station (central Italy) 63
Caratterizzazione morfologica e idraulica dei rill rilevati nell'area sperimentale di Masse 60
Monitoring of Water Requirement Using Thermal Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV) on Intensive Hazelnut Orchard 59
Influence of the Rainfall Time Step on the Thresholds for Separating Erosive and Non-erosive Events 59
Plot scale measurements of rainfall erosion losses in Central Italy 56
Un modello basato sulle reti di Petri nell’automazione degli impianti irrigui. 54
Misura della perdita di suolo a scala parcellare in una stazione sperimentale umbra 52
Qual è il miglior indice di rugosità random a scala interril? Una valutazione comparativa con simulatore di pioggia e fotogrammetria. 51
Effect of surface characteristics of soil surface on interrill soil erosion dynamics 50
A comparative evaluation of random roughness indices by rainfall simulator and photogrammetry 50
Sviluppo e valutazione di pratiche soglie per separare le piogge erosive responsabili di processi interrill e rill 45
Effectiveness of the new standardized deficit distance index and other meteorological indices in the assessment of agricultural drought impacts in central Italy 43
Assessment of the Midseason Crop Coefficient for the Evaluation of the Water Demand of Young, Grafted Hazelnut Trees in High-Density Orchards 42
Ottimizzazione irrigua nelle colture da biomassa per uso energetico 41
Comparing Sentinel-1, Sentinel-2, and Landsat-8 data in the early recognition of irrigated areas in central Italy 41
Infiltration and bulk density dynamics with simulated rainfall sequences 40
A Check of Water Drop Impact Effects on Surface Soil Saturated Hydraulic Conductivity 39
Misura dell'erosione rill mediante metodologia di rilievo laser scanning 39
Setup and calibration of the rainfall simulator of the Masse experimental station for soil erosion studies 39
Field performance of grafted, micropropagated, and own-rooted plants of three Italian hazelnut cultivars during the initial four seasons of development 38
Risparmio idrico e pianificazione dell'uso della risorsa a scopo irriguo 38
Practical thresholds to distinguish erosive and rill rainfall events 33
Assessment of the geometrical characteristics of hazelnut intensive orchard by an Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV) 31
null 24
Trend Analysis of Different Climate Parameters and Watering Requirements for Hazelnut in Central Italy Related to Climate Change 19
Geometrical characterization of hazelnut trees in an intensive orchard by an Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV) for Precision Agriculture applications 4
Totale 2.012
Categoria #
all - tutte 8.193
article - articoli 0
book - libri 0
conference - conferenze 0
curatela - curatele 0
other - altro 0
patent - brevetti 0
selected - selezionate 0
volume - volumi 0
Totale 8.193

Totale Lug Ago Sett Ott Nov Dic Gen Feb Mar Apr Mag Giu
2019/202089 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 12 37 16 13 11
2020/2021224 0 15 8 13 63 8 21 5 20 6 19 46
2021/2022232 5 36 6 14 8 9 9 63 17 7 23 35
2022/2023492 33 69 13 42 43 54 7 18 181 2 23 7
2023/2024222 21 15 13 7 2 3 40 2 32 12 26 49
2024/2025471 35 61 42 64 103 49 91 26 0 0 0 0
Totale 2.012