Distribuzione geografica
Continente #
NA - Nord America 466
EU - Europa 307
AS - Asia 188
OC - Oceania 3
Totale 964
Nazione #
US - Stati Uniti d'America 466
IT - Italia 100
IE - Irlanda 83
SG - Singapore 79
FR - Francia 42
VN - Vietnam 30
CN - Cina 29
HK - Hong Kong 22
RU - Federazione Russa 19
FI - Finlandia 18
DE - Germania 17
UA - Ucraina 12
KR - Corea 11
AT - Austria 6
MY - Malesia 6
GB - Regno Unito 4
AU - Australia 3
LB - Libano 3
SE - Svezia 3
CH - Svizzera 2
KZ - Kazakistan 2
AE - Emirati Arabi Uniti 1
IL - Israele 1
IR - Iran 1
NL - Olanda 1
PK - Pakistan 1
TW - Taiwan 1
UZ - Uzbekistan 1
Totale 964
Città #
Chandler 114
Dublin 83
Singapore 67
San Mateo 49
Perugia 31
Dong Ket 30
Santa Clara 29
Hong Kong 22
Boardman 21
Medford 21
Princeton 21
Beijing 17
Wilmington 15
Altamura 14
Terni 14
Lawrence 11
Seoul 11
Andover 10
Saint Petersburg 10
Fremont 9
Helsinki 8
Des Moines 6
Kuala Lumpur 6
Redwood City 6
Vienna 5
Caserta 4
Norwalk 4
Redmond 4
Rome 4
Syracuse 4
Ann Arbor 3
Ashburn 3
Chicago 3
Houston 3
Los Angeles 3
Milan 3
Saint Paul 3
Sydney 3
Almaty 2
Ancona 2
Falls Church 2
Jacksonville 2
New York 2
San Paolo di Civitate 2
Seattle 2
Sierck-les-bains 2
Spoleto 2
Trecasali 2
Castelfidardo 1
Castiglione Del Lago 1
Dallas 1
Den Haag 1
Dubai 1
Florence 1
Foligno 1
Fuzhou 1
Guangzhou 1
Haifa 1
Hangzhou 1
Islamabad 1
Las Vegas 1
Mcallen 1
Montesilvano 1
Napoli 1
Nürnberg 1
Parma 1
Phoenix 1
Pisa 1
Pomezia 1
Simi Valley 1
Spinea 1
Staten Island 1
Taipei 1
Totale 719
Nome #
Alterazioni citogenetiche (micronuclei) in infermieri professionalmente esposti a farmaci antineoplastici: revisione sistematica e meta-analisi della letteratura 72
Associazione tra danno al DNA in cellule della mucosa orale e concentrazione di inquinanti atmosferici in cinque città italiane: risultati preliminari del progetto MAPEC-LIFE (Monitoring of Air Pollution Effects on Children to Support Public Health Policies) 66
Buccal micronucleus cytome assay in primary school children: A descriptive analysis of the MAPEC_LIFE multicenter cohort study 64
Early biological effects in children exposed to different levels of PM0.5 in Perugia (Italy) 63
Valutazione del danno primario ed ossidativo al DNA in linfociti salivari per il monitoraggio degli effetti biologici precoci causati dall’inquinamento atmosferico nei bambini: studio MAPEC 58
Chemical analysis, mutagenicity and genotoxicity of PM0.5 collected in Perugia (Italy) 57
Evaluation of air pollution genotoxic effects in children by the buccal micronucleus cytome assay 55
Can chocolate consumption reduce cardio-cerebrovascular risk? A systematic review and meta-analysis Chocolate intake and cardio-cerebrovascular risk 55
[Genotoxic risk in nurses handling antiblastic drugs: systematic review of literature and meta-analysis.] 48
Lifestyles and socio-cultural factors among children aged 6-8 years from five Italian towns: The MAPEC-LIFE study cohort 47
Mutagenic and genotoxic effects induced by PM0.5 of different Italian towns in human cells and bacteria: The MAPEC_LIFE study 46
Extent of Primary DNA Damage Measured by the Comet Assay in Health Professionals Exposed to Antineoplastic Drugs: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis 46
Rectal cancer: 20% risk reduction thanks to dietary fibre intake. systematic review and meta-analysis 46
Is dietary fibre truly protective against colon cancer? A systematic review and meta-analysis 45
Primary and oxidative DNA damage in salivary leukocytes as a tool for the evaluation of air pollution early biological effects in children: current status of the MAPEC (Monitoring Air Pollution Effects on Children for supporting public health policy) study. 43
Occupational exposure to cytostatic/antineoplastic drugs and cytogenetic damage measured using the lymphocyte cytokinesis-block micronucleus assay: A systematic review of the literature and meta-analysis 43
"PErCEIVE in Umbria": evaluation of anti-influenza vaccination's perception among Umbrian pharmacists 43
Colon cancer: more fiber more protection. Systematic review and meta-analysis 42
CHAPTER 36: Use of Micronucleus Assays to Measure DNA Damage Caused by Cytostatic/Antineoplastic Drugs 42
How often people google for vaccination: Qualitative and quantitative insights from a systematic search of the web-based activities using Google Trends 30
Results from the European Union MAPEC_LIFE cohort study on air pollution and chromosomal damage in children: are public health policies sufficiently protective? 27
Totale 1.038
Categoria #
all - tutte 4.780
article - articoli 0
book - libri 0
conference - conferenze 0
curatela - curatele 0
other - altro 0
patent - brevetti 0
selected - selezionate 0
volume - volumi 0
Totale 4.780

Totale Lug Ago Sett Ott Nov Dic Gen Feb Mar Apr Mag Giu
2019/202045 0 0 0 0 0 0 5 10 1 25 4 0
2020/2021110 0 1 0 6 44 12 9 4 2 0 1 31
2021/2022151 0 33 3 3 2 0 0 54 6 5 20 25
2022/2023307 21 61 7 22 26 35 2 13 104 7 7 2
2023/2024133 26 13 5 7 0 0 24 2 0 9 26 21
2024/2025132 12 22 30 22 27 19 0 0 0 0 0 0
Totale 1.038