Balboni, Giulia
 Distribuzione geografica
Continente #
EU - Europa 1.906
NA - Nord America 1.699
AS - Asia 635
OC - Oceania 19
AF - Africa 13
SA - Sud America 8
Continente sconosciuto - Info sul continente non disponibili 6
Totale 4.286
Nazione #
US - Stati Uniti d'America 1.682
IT - Italia 931
IE - Irlanda 426
SG - Singapore 318
VN - Vietnam 134
CN - Cina 84
FI - Finlandia 77
RU - Federazione Russa 75
FR - Francia 74
HK - Hong Kong 60
GB - Regno Unito 51
DE - Germania 39
UA - Ucraina 35
AT - Austria 34
PL - Polonia 34
SE - Svezia 33
BE - Belgio 29
AU - Australia 19
ES - Italia 18
NL - Olanda 16
CH - Svizzera 15
GR - Grecia 12
CA - Canada 11
KR - Corea 8
BR - Brasile 6
EU - Europa 6
ID - Indonesia 6
MX - Messico 6
UZ - Uzbekistan 6
EG - Egitto 4
RO - Romania 4
TR - Turchia 4
DZ - Algeria 3
IN - India 3
JP - Giappone 2
LB - Libano 2
NG - Nigeria 2
PS - Palestinian Territory 2
AM - Armenia 1
BH - Bahrain 1
CI - Costa d'Avorio 1
CL - Cile 1
CO - Colombia 1
CZ - Repubblica Ceca 1
ET - Etiopia 1
HR - Croazia 1
IL - Israele 1
IR - Iran 1
KE - Kenya 1
MY - Malesia 1
SC - Seychelles 1
SM - San Marino 1
TW - Taiwan 1
Totale 4.286
Città #
Dublin 416
Singapore 265
Chandler 221
San Mateo 212
Boardman 170
Dong Ket 134
Santa Clara 130
Medford 95
Princeton 95
Perugia 76
Altamura 75
Wilmington 68
Hong Kong 60
Lawrence 60
Milan 50
Rome 50
Beijing 39
Florence 34
Ann Arbor 29
Kraków 29
Vienna 29
Andover 28
Ashburn 27
Brussels 26
Redmond 26
Los Angeles 23
New York 21
Saint Petersburg 18
Norwalk 17
Turin 17
Pisa 16
San Paolo di Civitate 16
Bologna 15
Des Moines 15
Redwood City 14
Catania 13
Genoa 13
San Diego 13
Naples 12
Helsinki 11
Moscow 11
Bari 10
Cento 9
Chicago 9
Compton 9
Verona 9
Houston 8
Melbourne 8
Rheinfelden 8
Volargne 8
Amsterdam 7
Dallas 7
Menlo Park 7
Pagani 7
Parma 7
Terni 7
Trieste 7
Brescia 6
Brisbane 6
Corciano 6
Falls Church 6
Minervino Murge 6
Nanning 6
Noventa Vicentina 6
Bucheon-si 5
Charlottesville 5
Dalmine 5
Messina 5
Pistoia 5
Bolzano 4
Canneto Pavese 4
Ferrara 4
Guangzhou 4
Lancaster 4
Lappeenranta 4
Padova 4
Palmyra 4
Philadelphia 4
Seattle 4
Thessaloniki 4
Vicenza 4
Waynesboro 4
Winnipeg 4
Bettona 3
Cadoneghe 3
Cagliari 3
Cavallino 3
Cesena 3
Dearborn 3
Frankfurt am Main 3
Genazzano 3
Giba 3
Greystones 3
Imola 3
Jakarta 3
Lefkada 3
London 3
Macerata 3
Madrid 3
Mislata 3
Totale 2.990
Nome #
DABS: Diagnostic Adaptive Behavior Scale- Standardization Version 190
POS Personal Outcomes Scale, versione italiana. Manuale 185
Personal Outcomes Scale, versione italiana. Protocollo 179
How to use psychological tests for functional diagnosis: The case of assessment of learning disabilities 124
Vineland-II. Vineland Adaptive Behavior Scales Second edition. Survey Forms 117
Assistive Technologies for Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder 90
Behavioral phenotype of ASD preschoolers with gastrointestinal symptoms or food selectivity 84
Application of the Repetitive Behavior Scale-Revised - Italian version - in preschoolers with autism spectrum disorder 79
Attitudes of Italian teachers and parents toward school inclusion of students with mental retardation: The role of experience 78
Behavioral and emotional problems of toddlers with autism spectrum disorder: Effects of parents’ sociocultural level and individual factors 72
Adattamento italiano delle Vineland Adaptive Behavior Scales. Intervista-Forma completa (S. Sparrow, D. Balla, e D. Cicchetti) 71
Attitudes of mainstream and special-education teachers toward intellectual disability in italy: The relevance of being teachers 70
Development and validation of the scale of cultural capital 62
Insegnamento di scienze e storia in classi con integrazione scolastica: didattica differenziale e cooperativa 61
Capacità discriminativa delle Scale Vineland: Profili di soggetti in età evolutiva con ritardo mentale 60
Health and health care are essential to the quality of life of people with intellectual disability 57
Atteggiamento di insegnanti e genitori verso l'integrazione scolastica di soggetti con ritardo mentale: Analisi delle variabili condizionanti 52
Bladder and bowel dysfunction, adaptive behaviour and psychiatric profiles in adults affected by autism spectrum disorders 52
The assessment of the quality of life of adults with intellectual disability: The use of self-report and report of others assessment strategies 50
AAIDD Diagnostic Adaprive Behavior Scale 49
Adaptive behavior factor structure in children with and without intellectual disabilities 49
Individual and Environmental Factors Affecting Adaptive Behavior of Toddlers with Autism Spectrum Disorder: Role of Parents’ Socio-cultural Level 48
Vineland-II adaptive behavior profile of children with attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder or specific learning disorders 46
Scala per la qualità della vita ComQoL-I5 (Cummins, 1997), versione italiana 46
Evaluation of chromosome microarray analysis in a large cohort of females with autism spectrum disorders: A single center Italian study 46
Assessment of challenging behaviours with the Nisonger Child Behavior Rating Form: Agreement/disagreement between frequency and severity ratings 46
Effects of a social tutor on participation, sense of community and learning in online university courses 45
Using the quality of life framework to operationalize and assess the CRPD articles and the Sustainable Development Goals 44
Intervista a Giulia Balboni (2012). Qi - Questioni e idee in psicologia, 3. Hogrefe Editore 43
Adattamento e rendimento scolastico secondo le valutazioni degli insegnanti e le aspettative dei genitori 43
Estudio transcultural de las dimensiones e indicadores de calidad de vida centradas en la persona: una replicación 43
Sense of community in online courses and students with disabilities: Development of a questionnaire for university students 42
A Combined Study on the Use of the Child Behavior Checklist 1½–5 for Identifying Autism Spectrum Disorders at 18 Months 42
Qualità della vita di individui con disabilità intellettiva: Modelli teorici, strumenti di valutazione e scelte cliniche 41
Comportamento adattivo e Diagnostic Adaptive Behavior Scale 41
Come insegnare e studiare l’etica della ricerca. La sfida di un nuovo Corso di Dottorato di Ricerca 41
Can students with mental retardation teach their peers? 40
Status of test development and use in Italy. World Go Round: International School Psychology Association Newsletter. 39
Self‐determination and quality of life of people with intellectual and developmental disabilities: Past, present, and future of close research paths 38
Ethical Artificial Intelligence in Telerehabilitation of Neurodevelopmental Disorders: A Position Paper 38
Uno studio epidemiologico sui disturbi del linguaggio e della comunicazione in età prescolare. 38
Detecting malingering mental illness in forensics: Known-Group Comparison and Simulation Design with MMPI-2, SIMS and NIM 37
Developing behavioural indicators for intellectual functioning and adaptive behaviour for ICD-11 disorders of intellectual development 37
Vineland-II Survey Interview Form. Standardizzazione italiana 36
Evaluation of inclusion of students with disabilities: Integration of different methods 36
Influence of adaptive behaviour on the quality of life of adults with intellectual and developmental disabilities 36
Il ruolo di teorie e tecniche dei test nell’insegnamento degli strumenti di assessment psicologico 36
Structural equation modeling: “Rules of thumb” with participants with disabilities 35
The problem of measuring the socio-cultural level in psychological research 35
The Vineland-II in preschool children with Autism Spectrum Disorders: An item content category analysis 35
Development of a scale of Sense-of-Community in university online courses 35
Theories and measurement of adaptive behavior 35
Effetti del livello socio-culturale sulle dimensioni di personalita 34
How Have Youth with Autism Spectrum Disorder Managed Quarantine Derived From COVID-19 Pandemic? An Approach to Families Perspectives 34
Il ruolo del contesto nella plusdotazione 34
Italian Diagnostic Adaptive Behavior Scale: Reliability and diagnostic accuracy compared with the Vineland-II 34
Adaptation of the personal social capital brief scale for the measurement of the offline and online social capital in Italy 33
Validity and reliability of the Diagnostic Adaptive Behaviour Scale 33
Ethical Principles in Artificial Intelligence for Children: A Protocol for a Scoping Review 32
The construct of adaptive behavior: Its conceptualization, measurement, and use in the field of intellectual disability 32
Environmental factors and teenagers’ personalities: The role of personal and familial Socio-Cultural Level 31
Intellectual Operation Limit, Adaptive Operation Limit or Need to Evaluate Adaptive Behavior? 31
Factors affecting the relationship between adaptive behavior and challenging behaviors in individuals with intellectual disability and co-occurring disorders 31
Sense of community and peer feedback in a blended University Course 30
The Diagnostic Adaptive Behavior Scale: Evaluating its sensitivity and specificity. 30
Collaborazione al capitolo "Test e culture diverse" 30
WHODAS-Child: psychometric properties of the WHODAS 2.0 for children and youth among Italian children with autism spectrum disorder 30
Individuals with mental retardation and a sensorimotor disorder: Assessment of disability 29
In che modo i ragazzi si rappresentano la disabilità? Il disegno come strumento per studiare l’integrazione scolastica 29
Discriminant validity of the Vineland Scales: Score profiles of individuals with mental retardation and a specific disorder 29
Evidence of the validity of a novel version of the computerized cognitive screening battery CompCog 29
Physicians' Attitudes about Individuals with Intellectual Disability and Health Care Practices Toward Them: A Systematic Review 29
L'intégration scolaire en Italie: Historique, attitudes et programmes 28
La specificità delle tecniche proiettive e i limiti del dibattito sulle loro proprietà psicometriche 27
Development and standardization of the diagnostic adaptive behavior scale: Application of item response theory to the assessment of adaptive behavior 27
"No Theory, No Party": Without theory, there is no change 26
Les méthodes d’évaluation de l’inclusion scolaire 26
DASH II: Intrer-rater reliability and factor structure in people with severe and profound ID 26
Cross-cultural study of person-centered quality of life domains and indicators: A replication 26
Measuring significant limitations in adaptive behavior 26
Concurrent and predictive validity of the Raven Progressive Matrices and the Naglieri Nonverbal Ability Test 26
Diagnostic accuracy of CompCog: reaction time as a screening measure for mild cognitive impairment 25
Valutazione del senso di comunità in un corso online: Predisposizione di un questionario per studenti universitari 25
L’inclusion scolaire: l’expérience italienne 25
History and overview of adaptive behavior assessment 25
null 24
School adjustment and academic achievement: Parental expectations and socio-cultural background 24
The Diagnostic Adaptive Behaviour Scale: A new measure of adaptive behaviour 24
The Role of Cultural Capital in Self-Reported Alexithymia and Empathy 23
The impact of internalizing symptoms on autistic traits in adolescents with restrictive anorexia nervosa 23
The Scale of sense of Community in online courses: Results of a preliminary validation study 23
The Psychopathology Inventory for Mentally Retarded Adults: Factor structure and comparisons between subjects with or without dual diagnoses 23
Testing Practices and Attitudes Toward Tests and Testing: An International Survey 23
The Effects of the COVID-19-induced Lockdown on the Social Capital and Cultural Capital in Italy 23
Senso di comunità in un corso online: Costruzione di un questionario 22
Selective cognitive empathy deficit in adolescents with restrictive anorexia nervosa. 21
School-phobia: Costruzione di uno strumento per la diagnosi e la ricerca 21
PsycAssist: A Web-Based Artificial Intelligence System Designed for Adaptive Neuropsychological Assessment and Training 20
Quality of Life in Children and Adolescents with Cerebral Palsy and Intellectual Disability: Predictors and Personal Outcomes 20
Formazione on line: Coerenza interna e validità convergente della scala del senso di comunità in corsi online 20
Totale 4.370
Categoria #
all - tutte 23.224
article - articoli 0
book - libri 0
conference - conferenze 0
curatela - curatele 0
other - altro 0
patent - brevetti 0
selected - selezionate 0
volume - volumi 0
Totale 23.224

Totale Lug Ago Sett Ott Nov Dic Gen Feb Mar Apr Mag Giu
2019/202092 0 0 0 0 0 6 8 13 16 39 9 1
2020/2021496 6 2 4 9 170 16 50 26 36 20 9 148
2021/2022844 14 147 29 42 36 18 22 217 55 29 107 128
2022/20231.210 100 212 26 57 79 80 8 44 478 21 72 33
2023/2024816 42 78 53 71 42 20 77 31 61 119 107 115
2024/2025686 57 170 35 83 303 38 0 0 0 0 0 0
Totale 4.643