Distribuzione geografica
Continente #
NA - Nord America 1.090
EU - Europa 839
AS - Asia 365
SA - Sud America 22
OC - Oceania 11
AF - Africa 3
Totale 2.330
Nazione #
US - Stati Uniti d'America 1.082
UA - Ucraina 212
IE - Irlanda 190
SG - Singapore 158
IT - Italia 155
HK - Hong Kong 75
FI - Finlandia 56
DE - Germania 55
SE - Svezia 44
FR - Francia 36
CN - Cina 35
RU - Federazione Russa 33
VN - Vietnam 31
TR - Turchia 25
BR - Brasile 21
GB - Regno Unito 21
AE - Emirati Arabi Uniti 20
AU - Australia 11
CH - Svizzera 11
NL - Olanda 8
CA - Canada 6
AT - Austria 5
BE - Belgio 5
IR - Iran 4
EG - Egitto 3
GR - Grecia 3
ID - Indonesia 3
PH - Filippine 3
PL - Polonia 3
UZ - Uzbekistan 3
KR - Corea 2
LB - Libano 2
LT - Lituania 2
MX - Messico 2
IN - India 1
JP - Giappone 1
MN - Mongolia 1
NP - Nepal 1
VE - Venezuela 1
Totale 2.330
Città #
Chandler 195
Dublin 185
San Mateo 137
Singapore 132
Jacksonville 118
Hong Kong 73
Boardman 59
Santa Clara 54
Medford 51
Princeton 50
Perugia 39
Dong Ket 31
Lawrence 30
Andover 28
Ann Arbor 28
Wilmington 25
Izmir 24
Altamura 23
Rome 23
Des Moines 21
Saint Petersburg 14
Helsinki 13
Norwalk 13
Ashburn 11
Beijing 8
Shanghai 7
Florence 6
Los Angeles 6
Brussels 5
Dallas 5
Ferrara 5
Redwood City 5
Sydney 5
Como 4
London 4
Naples 4
Padova 4
Woodbridge 4
Lausanne 3
Legnago 3
Milan 3
Napoli 3
New York 3
Plymouth 3
Quezon City 3
San Paolo di Civitate 3
Vienna 3
Amsterdam 2
Auburn Hills 2
Bologna 2
Braganca Paulista 2
Brisbane 2
Chicago 2
Den Haag 2
Koog aan de Zaan 2
Lappeenranta 2
Lucca 2
Malang 2
Menlo Park 2
Miami 2
Nocera Superiore 2
Nuremberg 2
Ottawa 2
Pisa 2
Redmond 2
Seoul 2
São Paulo 2
Toronto 2
Aberdeen 1
Adelaide 1
Balneário Camboriú 1
Brasília 1
Brescia 1
Cambridge 1
Caraguatatuba 1
Cariacica 1
Changsha 1
Charlotte 1
Châteauguay 1
Città Di Castello 1
Clifton 1
Corumbá 1
Fairfield 1
Fort Worth 1
Frankfurt Am Main 1
Hanover 1
Kayseri 1
Kyiv 1
La Villa del Rosario 1
Lençóis 1
Liberty Lake 1
Limeira 1
Lorena 1
Manchester 1
Melbourne 1
Mexico City 1
Moscow 1
Mountain View 1
Nanning 1
Odesa 1
Totale 1.550
Nome #
Diagnosis of pipe systems by means of a stochastic successive linear estimator 86
Experimental evidence of backflow phenomenon in a pressurised pipe 85
Diagnostica di ostruzioni in condotte in pressione mediante transitori 79
Analisi sperimentale della legge di efflusso da una perdita in una condotta in polietilene 77
Diagnosi dei sistemi di adduzione in pressione mediante transitori controllati 73
Detection of partial extended blockages by means of a stochastic successive linear estimator 71
Experimental investigation of the leak hydraulics 68
A stochastic approach for extended partial blockage detection in viscoelastic pipelines: numerical and laboratory experiments 61
Analisi sperimentale della legge di perdita in condotte in acciaio e polietilene 60
Experimental evidence of hysteresis in the head-discharge relationship for a leak in a polyethylene pipe 58
Remote sensing of rainfall at high spatial-temporal resolution through soil moisture 57
A stochastic tool for determining the presence of partial blockages in viscoelastic pipelines: first experimental results 56
Verifica dei sistemi di condotte: alcuni spunti di riflessione 55
Equivalence of pipes with distributed flow in pressurised pipe networks 53
Detection and sizing of extended partial blockages in pipelines by means of a stochastic successive linear estimator 51
Irrigation detection with Sentinel-1 radar backscatter observations over an agricultural area in the Po River Valley (Italy) 49
Detection of illegal branches in pipe systems: A fast and reliable method 48
Toward a self-calibrated and independent SM2RAIN rainfall product 48
High resolution (1 km) soil moisture and precipitation for developing a Digital Twin Earth for hydrology 46
Legge di perdita per condotte in PVC 45
Recenti sviluppi nella simulazione idraulica delle reti in pressione 44
Equivalent hydraulic resistance to simulate pipes subjectto diffuse outflows 44
Effectiveness Assessment of Pipe Systems by Means of Transient Test-based Techniques 44
Fast transients as a tool for partial blockage detection in pipes: first experimental results 43
Leak discharge and strains in a polyethylene pipe 42
Effetto delle condizioni iniziali sulle oscillazioni di pressione in una condotta di mandata 42
First results on the use of a stochastic successive linear estimator to diagnose pipe systems 41
The leak law: from local to global scale 41
Sulla caratterizzazione di ostruzioni in condotte in pressione mediante prove in moto vario: primi risultati 38
Transient tests for locating and sizing illegal branches in pipe systems 38
Small amplitude sharp pressure waves to diagnose pipe systems 38
Sul ruolo del regime delle pressioni iniziali per l'individuazione di una perdita con prove di moto vario 38
Long period analysis of transient pressure signals for in-line valve checking. 37
Potential of Transient Tests to Diagnose Real Supply Pipe Systems: What Can Be Done with a Single Extemporary Test 36
Is the leak head-discharge relationship in polyethylene pipes a bijective function? 36
Experimental investigation of leak hydraulics 36
Diagnosis of pipe systems by the SLE: first results 36
Investigating groundwater–surface water interactions to understand hydrogeochemical processes in a carbonate mountain basin in Central Italy 36
Leakage and pipe materials 35
Spatial-temporal variability of soil moisture: a strategy to optimize monitoring at the catchment scale with varying topography and land use 35
Optimizing a backscatter forward operator using Sentinel-1 data over irrigated land 35
A comparison between satellite- and model-based approaches developed in the ESA Irrigation+project framework to estimate irrigation quantities 34
Hydraulic characterization of a leak in a PVC-U pipe 33
Stima dell’assetto di un dispositivo di linea mediante analisi di lungo periodo. Primi risultati 32
Numerical simulation of leaks in pressurised pipes 32
Transient hydrodynamics of in-line valves in viscoelastic pressurized pipes. Long period analysis 30
A Review of Irrigation Information Retrievals from Space and Their Utility for Users 30
Leak behaviour in pressurized PVC pipes 29
Numerical and experimental investigation of leaks in viscoelastic pressurized pipe flow 26
Perdite in condotte viscoelastiche. Indagine sperimentale e numerica durante transitori 22
Comparing Satellite Soil Moisture Products Using In Situ Observations Over an Instrumented Experimental Basin in Romania 21
Regional data sets of high-resolution (1 and 6 km) irrigation estimates from space 21
Empirical runoff thresholds: results from catchments in Central Italy 8
Totale 2.465
Categoria #
all - tutte 12.149
article - articoli 0
book - libri 0
conference - conferenze 0
curatela - curatele 0
other - altro 0
patent - brevetti 0
selected - selezionate 0
volume - volumi 0
Totale 12.149

Totale Lug Ago Sett Ott Nov Dic Gen Feb Mar Apr Mag Giu
2019/202083 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 42 7 24 10
2020/2021348 1 37 2 34 123 9 33 1 35 6 32 35
2021/2022396 4 105 3 9 19 6 5 116 1 8 50 70
2022/2023667 57 113 12 47 38 70 1 33 239 3 38 16
2023/2024299 30 30 25 15 9 9 46 3 40 9 45 38
2024/2025353 9 61 30 22 114 15 91 11 0 0 0 0
Totale 2.465