Distribuzione geografica
Continente #
NA - Nord America 3.263
EU - Europa 3.029
AS - Asia 1.207
SA - Sud America 59
Continente sconosciuto - Info sul continente non disponibili 13
OC - Oceania 4
AF - Africa 3
Totale 7.578
Nazione #
US - Stati Uniti d'America 3.255
IT - Italia 640
IE - Irlanda 625
SG - Singapore 477
SE - Svezia 424
UA - Ucraina 382
FR - Francia 349
VN - Vietnam 267
HK - Hong Kong 205
FI - Finlandia 154
RU - Federazione Russa 150
CN - Cina 139
DE - Germania 105
GB - Regno Unito 69
KR - Corea 64
BR - Brasile 45
CH - Svizzera 23
PL - Polonia 19
AT - Austria 18
BE - Belgio 17
TR - Turchia 17
NL - Olanda 15
EU - Europa 13
JP - Giappone 9
LB - Libano 9
PT - Portogallo 9
CZ - Repubblica Ceca 7
ES - Italia 7
GR - Grecia 7
UZ - Uzbekistan 5
SK - Slovacchia (Repubblica Slovacca) 4
CA - Canada 3
PY - Paraguay 3
AU - Australia 2
BG - Bulgaria 2
CL - Cile 2
IN - India 2
IQ - Iraq 2
KZ - Kazakistan 2
MA - Marocco 2
MX - Messico 2
NZ - Nuova Zelanda 2
SY - Repubblica araba siriana 2
TT - Trinidad e Tobago 2
UY - Uruguay 2
VE - Venezuela 2
AE - Emirati Arabi Uniti 1
AM - Armenia 1
AR - Argentina 1
AZ - Azerbaigian 1
BO - Bolivia 1
CO - Colombia 1
EC - Ecuador 1
EG - Egitto 1
IL - Israele 1
JM - Giamaica 1
LU - Lussemburgo 1
LV - Lettonia 1
MN - Mongolia 1
PE - Perù 1
PK - Pakistan 1
RO - Romania 1
TH - Thailandia 1
Totale 7.578
Città #
Dublin 625
Chandler 557
Singapore 371
San Mateo 354
Dong Ket 265
Boardman 212
Hong Kong 204
Jacksonville 204
Santa Clara 181
Altamura 163
Medford 160
Princeton 158
Perugia 140
Wilmington 125
Lawrence 123
Ann Arbor 104
Andover 99
Beijing 63
Seoul 62
Saint Petersburg 47
Ashburn 39
Norwalk 35
Deruta 33
Helsinki 33
Redwood City 27
San Paolo di Civitate 26
Florence 21
Woodbridge 21
Corciano 19
Des Moines 18
Brussels 17
Izmir 15
Redmond 14
Moscow 13
Cassino 12
Los Angeles 12
Auburn Hills 11
Shanghai 10
Den Haag 9
Munich 9
New York 9
Sesto Fiorentino 9
Viterbo 9
Chicago 8
Falls Church 8
Nanning 8
Umbertide 8
Dallas 7
Houston 7
Bologna 6
Brescia 6
Kraków 6
L’Aquila 6
Milan 6
Rome 6
Beirã 5
Guangzhou 5
Philadelphia 5
Terni 5
Ancona 4
Bergamo 4
Bratislava 4
Castellana Grotte 4
Lodi 4
Turin 4
Arezzo 3
Bari 3
Belo Horizonte 3
Cambridge 3
Kropyvnytskyi 3
Kyoto 3
Lausanne 3
Leawood 3
Lisbon 3
Maerne 3
Nerviano 3
Nuremberg 3
Ottawa 3
Paris 3
Pradamano 3
San Diego 3
São Paulo 3
Tokyo 3
Torino 3
Acquasparta 2
Almaty 2
Auckland 2
Campina Grande 2
Casablanca 2
Council Bluffs 2
Curepe 2
Edinburgh 2
Feltre 2
Frankfurt Am Main 2
Hanoi 2
Hanover 2
Isernia 2
Leesburg 2
Melilla 2
Montevideo 2
Totale 4.853
Nome #
Localizzazione in ambienti chiusi mediante trasmissione di segnali a banda ultra larga ed elaborazione statistica 148
PRIN 2015: “Six DOF scalable finger tracking system” 109
A Simple and Low Cost Measurement System for the Complex Permittivity Characterization of Matherials 98
A Low-Cost Driving Circuitry for Permittivity and Moisture MeasurementSystems 98
Numerical electromagnetic modeling of a wireless power transfer system2014 International Conference on Numerical Electromagnetic Modeling and Optimization for RF, Microwave, and Terahertz Applications (NEMO) 94
Low cost active scanning antenna for mobile satellite terminals- IEEE Int Symp. on Antennas and Propagation 88
Woodchip Humidity measurements using EM pulse propagation time 85
Electromagnetic Energy Harvesting and Wireless Power Transmission: A Unified Approach 83
CAD of wireless resonant energy links (WREL) realized by coils 82
A Simple Ranging System Based on Mutually Coupled Resonating Circuits 79
3D printing of X band waveguide resonators and filters 79
Equivalent circuit of radiating longitudinal slots in dielectric filled rectangular waveguides obtained with FDTD method 77
Additive Manufacturing of a Very Compact Doublet Structure with Asymmetric Filtering Function 77
Full-wave computer-aided optimization of wireless power transfer systems2014 IEEE MTT-S International Microwave Symposium (IMS2014) 76
A 5.6-GHz UWB Position Measurement System 76
An Accurate and Low Cost Complex Permittivity Measurement System Using a Planar Resonant Sensor 75
A Novel Technique for Complex Permittivity Measurements Based on a Four Port Device 73
A 1.2 V, 0.9 mW UHF VCO Based on Hairpin Resonator in Paper Substrate and Cu Adhesive Tape 71
A Low-cost Complete System for Complex Permittivity Measurement Using Resonant Probes 70
Un metodo CAD per il progetto di filtri e diplexer ripiegati basato sul calcolo della GSM della singola discontinuità 70
A Procedure for Computer-Aided Design of Compact Diplexers with Folded Filters 70
Multi-band design of matched wireless power transfer links2014 IEEE Wireless Power Transfer Conference 69
Image impedances of magnetic resonant wireless power transfer links2014 International Workshop on Integrated Nonlinear Microwave and Millimetre-wave Circuits (INMMiC) 69
Analysis of the sensitivity of AC magnetic ranging systems to environmental configurations 68
Accurate estimation of a coil magnetic dipole moment 68
Efficient Full-wave Automated Design and Yield Analysis of Waveguide Components 67
Experimental Characterization of a Personal Wireless Sensor Network for the Medical X-Ray Dosimetry 67
A Novel Technique for Complex Permittivity Measurements Based on a Four Port Device 65
3-D-Printed Quasi-Elliptical Evanescent Mode Filter Using Mixed Electromagnetic Coupling 65
An Experimental UWB Distance Measurement System 64
Monitoring Moisture Content in Composting Systems Using a Planar Resonant Sensor 63
CAD of Folded Filters and Diplexers by the Generalized Scattering Matrix of the Single Step Discontinuity 63
A Low-Cost Ultra-Wideband Indoor Ranging Technique 63
A Low-Cost Ultra-Wideband Indoor Ranging System 63
A new resonant probe for dielectric permittivity measurement 63
Organic frequency doubler RFID tag exploiting 7.5-MHz wireless power transfer2013 IEEE Wireless Power Transfer (WPT) 63
Additive manufacturing of microwave components: Different approaches and methodologies 63
Efficient Full-Wave Automated Design and Yield Analysis of Waveguide Components 62
Un sistema di misura della costante dielettrica con sensori a microonde: caratterizzazione ed applicazioni 62
Elaborazione Digitale del Segnale di un Sistema di Misura della Permittività dielettrica del Materiali con Sensori Risonanti a Microonde 61
24-GHz Single-Balanced Diode Mixer Exploiting Cellulose-Based Materials 61
Analysis of Nonideal Effects and Performance in Magnetic Positioning Systems 61
A Simple and Low Cost Measurement System for the Complex Permittivity Characterization of Materials 60
An accurate Indoor Position-measurement system using mutually coupled resonating circuits 60
A Low-Cost Driving Circuitry for Permittivity and Moisture Measurement Systems 59
A novel MMIC-compatible microstrip-to-waveguide probe transition 58
A bidirectional moving field inductive power transfer system for electric vehicles 58
A simple and low-cost measurement system for the complex permittivity characterization of materials 57
A Novel Technique for Measuring One-Dimensional Permittivity Profiles Using a Simple Non-Commensurate Planar Structure 56
Rigorous Network and Full-Wave Electromagnetic Modeling of Wireless Power Transfer Links 56
Mid-range, coupling-independent, wireless power transfer with parallel resonators 56
Dual-Band Permittivity Measurement of Thin Dielectric Layers with a Simple Planar Device 55
Electromagnetic Characterization of Paper-Glue Compound for System-in-Package on Paper (SiPoP) Future Developments 55
Characterization and performance measurements of mid-range wireless power transfer links 55
A Planar Resonant Sensor for the Complex Permittivity Characterization of Materials 54
A Fullwave CAD Tool for Waveguide Components Using a High Speed Direct Optimizer 53
Analysis of simultaneous 3D positioning and attitude estimation of a planar coil using inductive coupling 53
Antenna design for unified far-field communication and near-field recharging 53
A microwave System for Moisture Monitoring in Wet Powders for Industrial Applications 52
A portable dielectric constant sensor based on time of flight measurements 52
Modelling of wireless power transfer links based on capacitive coupling 51
A simple Time-Domain-Reflectometry based methodology for wood-chip humidity measurements 50
A simple ranging system based on mutually coupled resonating circuits 50
A microwave sensor for glue on paper detection 50
CubeSat Spatial Expedition: An Overview From Design To Experimental Verification 50
A Positioning System Based on Low Frequency Magnetic Fields 49
A New Permittivity Model for the Microwave Moisture Measurement of Wet Sand 48
The basic cell operating regimes for wireless Power Transfer of Electric Vehicles 48
Experimental Comparison of Low-Cost Sub-Nanosecond Pulse Generators 48
A neural network model for CAD and optimization of microwave filters1998 IEEE MTT-S International Microwave Symposium Digest (Cat. No.98CH36192) 47
Misurazione accurata di posizione mediante circuiti risonanti accoppiati magneticamente 47
X-band right-angle coaxial-to-single ridge waveguide compact transition with capacitive coupling 47
Wireless power transfer with three-ports networks: Optimal analytical solutions 46
A way towards an organic frequency doubler for harmonic RFID applications 45
Misurazione di distanza tramite circuiti risonanti mutuamente accoppiati 45
Network representations for Wireless Power Transfer realized with resonant inductive coils 45
Europe and the future for WPT 45
Compact Quasi-Elliptic Filters With Mushroom-Shaped Resonators Manufactured With 3-D Printer 45
An X-band compact and low-profile waveguide magic-T 45
A Four Port Structure for Comparative Measurement of Complex Permittivity and Moisture 45
A Wireless Personal Sensor Node for the Dosimetry of Interventional Radiology Operators 44
A Wearable and Wirelessly Powered System for Multiple Finger Tracking 44
Design of Waveguide Filters Using Multiple Irises and Folded Elements 43
An Indoor AC Magnetic Positioning System 43
EMC and EMI issues of WPT systems for wearable and implantable devices 43
Matched resonant inductive WPT using the coupling-independent regime: Theory and experiments 43
A strategy for the efficient full-wave description of complex waveguide networks 43
Computation of Gain, Noise Figure and Third Order Intercept of Active Array Antennas 42
A novel coaxial loop resonator for wireless power transfer 42
A bidirectional wireless power transfer system for roadway powered electric vehicles 42
Single-layer line-fed broadband microstrip patch antenna on thin substrates 42
Estimation of the Magnetic Dipole Moment of a Coil Using AC Voltage Measurements 41
An interactive system for exhibitions in a science and technology center 41
Simplified Fe modeling of the PyCubed PCB complete with components for CubeSat missions 40
Characterization and Modeling of an Experimental UWB Pulse-Based Distance Measurement System 40
Investigation on the Phase Center of Ultra Wideband Discone Antennas 40
Totale 6.003
Categoria #
all - tutte 37.243
article - articoli 0
book - libri 0
conference - conferenze 0
curatela - curatele 0
other - altro 0
patent - brevetti 0
selected - selezionate 0
volume - volumi 0
Totale 37.243

Totale Lug Ago Sett Ott Nov Dic Gen Feb Mar Apr Mag Giu
2019/2020279 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 74 61 81 15 48
2020/20211.286 6 55 43 97 393 69 67 16 129 45 83 283
2021/20221.317 30 259 51 81 69 8 10 411 15 20 186 177
2022/20232.132 166 448 26 134 153 174 7 114 808 7 75 20
2023/2024796 52 107 46 18 15 11 144 16 93 37 111 146
2024/2025974 66 195 96 101 281 111 77 47 0 0 0 0
Totale 7.963