BONAFONI, Stefania
 Distribuzione geografica
Continente #
NA - Nord America 3.243
EU - Europa 2.769
AS - Asia 1.221
SA - Sud America 15
Continente sconosciuto - Info sul continente non disponibili 12
AF - Africa 8
OC - Oceania 7
Totale 7.275
Nazione #
US - Stati Uniti d'America 3.235
UA - Ucraina 723
IE - Irlanda 549
SG - Singapore 451
IT - Italia 427
SE - Svezia 333
VN - Vietnam 280
HK - Hong Kong 251
DE - Germania 176
FI - Finlandia 169
RU - Federazione Russa 124
CN - Cina 117
GB - Regno Unito 69
KR - Corea 60
FR - Francia 44
BE - Belgio 38
CH - Svizzera 32
TR - Turchia 17
NL - Olanda 16
BR - Brasile 14
AT - Austria 13
PL - Polonia 13
CZ - Repubblica Ceca 12
EU - Europa 12
GR - Grecia 10
LB - Libano 9
UZ - Uzbekistan 9
AU - Australia 5
ES - Italia 5
ZA - Sudafrica 5
IN - India 4
JP - Giappone 4
SK - Slovacchia (Repubblica Slovacca) 4
DK - Danimarca 3
ID - Indonesia 3
IR - Iran 3
LV - Lettonia 3
PK - Pakistan 3
BG - Bulgaria 2
BH - Bahrain 2
CA - Canada 2
HR - Croazia 2
KG - Kirghizistan 2
MX - Messico 2
NP - Nepal 2
NZ - Nuova Zelanda 2
SA - Arabia Saudita 2
TN - Tunisia 2
CR - Costa Rica 1
DO - Repubblica Dominicana 1
EC - Ecuador 1
MA - Marocco 1
OM - Oman 1
PA - Panama 1
PR - Porto Rico 1
PT - Portogallo 1
RO - Romania 1
TH - Thailandia 1
Totale 7.275
Città #
Dublin 549
Chandler 544
Jacksonville 355
Singapore 341
San Mateo 304
Boardman 278
Dong Ket 277
Hong Kong 247
Santa Clara 182
Medford 155
Princeton 155
Wilmington 123
Altamura 113
Andover 86
Ann Arbor 82
Lawrence 78
Perugia 65
Seoul 60
Saint Petersburg 51
Ashburn 45
Des Moines 45
Rome 44
Norwalk 43
Brussels 37
Beijing 36
Helsinki 36
Shanghai 29
Los Angeles 22
Woodbridge 22
Milan 15
Izmir 14
Chicago 12
Redwood City 12
Florence 11
Moscow 11
San Paolo di Civitate 11
Falls Church 10
Bologna 9
Brno 9
Houston 9
Philadelphia 9
Redmond 9
Den Haag 8
Zhengzhou 8
Dallas 7
Gladbeck 7
Munich 7
New York 7
Auburn Hills 6
Kraków 6
Cosenza 5
Garbagnate Milanese 5
London 5
Kiev 4
Lappeenranta 4
Lausanne 4
Lexington 4
Marseille 4
Moncalieri 4
Nanjing 4
Parma 4
Amsterdam 3
Bastia umbra 3
Bratislava 3
Corciano 3
Genoa 3
Hanoi 3
Phoenix 3
Pianella 3
Riga 3
San Diego 3
Santander 3
Sindelfingen 3
Turin 3
Wageningen 3
Wuhan 3
Auckland 2
Bishkek 2
Boydton 2
Bridge 2
Briosco 2
Bungarribee 2
Central 2
Edinburgh 2
Esslingen am Neckar 2
Foligno 2
Fort Mill 2
Frankfurt am Main 2
Fremont 2
Fucecchio 2
Guangzhou 2
Kathmandu 2
Manama 2
Mashhad 2
Meda 2
Naples 2
Newcastle Upon Tyne 2
Nova Siri 2
Nusco 2
Osaka 2
Totale 4.741
Nome #
Albedo Retrieval From Multispectral Landsat 8 Observation in Urban Environment: Algorithm Validation by in situ Measurements 102
Assimilazione dati di misure GPS a terra e radiometriche da satellite per la produzione di mappe di vapor d’acqua atmosferico 90
Stima del ritardo troposferico zenitale e direzionale con GPS e radiometro: problemi e confronti 90
Assessment of precipitable water vapour by use of a local GPS network and a microwave ground-based radiometer 88
Spaceborne detection of roof and impervious surface albedo: Potentialities and comparison with airborne thermography measurements 87
Ground-based microwave measurements to monitor atmospheric parameters around precipitation events 81
Validation of MERIS water vapour in the central Italy by concurrent measurements of microwave radiometers and GPS receivers 79
Telerilevamento da satellite di eventi precipitativi: analisi sul bacino del Trasimeno 77
Comparing model analysis and remote sensing estimation of water vapour field over the Tyrrhenian area 76
Albedo Retrieval from Sentinel-2 by New Narrow-to-Broadband Conversion Coefficients 76
Radio occultamento con GPS-LEO: stima di profili troposferici tramite reti neurali 75
Aerosol Optical Depth: validation and retrievals during dust outbreaks over the Mediterrranean area 75
Remote sensing of atmospheric precipitable water vapour by GPS: comparison with radiosondes and a microwave water vapour radiometer 74
Use of a ground-based Global Positioning System Network for monitoring atmospheric integrated precipitable water vapour 74
Analysis and Improvements of cloud models for propagation studies 74
Analisi e previsione di temperature minime e di gelate sul bacino del Trasimeno 74
A stable Gaussian procedure for the parameterization of remote sensed thermal images 73
Simulazione della temperatura di brillanza della superficie terrestre: validazione di modelli applicati alla calibrazione di sensori 72
Analisi e sviluppo di modelli per l’individuazione di nubi per la simulazione della temperatura di brillanza 72
Campagna sperimentale per la stima di vapore con GPS e radiometro a microonde 71
Monitoraggio di eventi precipitativi in banda L: analisi del vapore integrato a livello puntuale e bidimensionale 70
A proposed criterion to filter out rainy sky thermal microwave emissions collected at the ground from a multi-channel radiometer 70
A 24-GHz radar front-end integrated on a multilayer cellulose-based substrate for Doppler radar sensors 70
Monitoring of atmospheric water around precipitation events using a scanning ground-based microwave radiometer 67
Monitoring atmospheric water vapour using GPS measurements during precipitation events 67
Ground-based GPS receiver and microwave radiometer to characterise water vapour of precipitation events 66
Albedo and surface temperature relation in urban areas: Analysis with different sensors 65
A Low-Cost Microwave Radiometer for the Detection of Fire in Forest Environments 64
SUSTAINABLE STRATEGIES FOR SMART CITIES: Analysis of the town development effect on surface urban heat island through remote sensing methodologies 64
Analysis of Albedo Influence on Surface Urban Heat Island by Spaceborne Detection and Airborne Thermography 64
Passive calibration of the backscattering coefficient of the ENVISAT RA-2: evaluation of the radiative models for sea and land 63
A multisensor campaign in the Central Italy for the validation of ENVISAT/MERIS retrievals of atmospheric water vapour 62
Satellite remote sensing of surface urban heat islands: Progress, challenges, and perspectives 62
Assessment of precipitable water vapour by use of a local GPS network and microwave ground-based radiometer 61
Radiooccultazione Cosmic GPS: sviluppo di reti neurali per la stima di profili troposferici 61
A ground-based microwave radiometer and a GPS network for the remote sensing of atmospheric water vapour content: a year of experimental results 61
Noncontact measurement of river surface velocity and discharge estimation with a low-cost doppler radar sensor 61
Microwave radiometry imaging for forest fire detection: a simulation study 60
Gestione real time, analisi e previsione di temperature estreme sul bacino del Trasimeno 59
Analysis and improvement of cloud models for brightness temperature simulations 59
Fire Detection by Low-Cost Microwave Radiometric Sensors 59
Synergic use of EO, NWP and ground based measurements for the mitigation of vapour artefacts in SAR interferometry 57
A comparison of cloud observations by spaceborn microwave radiometry to rain-gauge measurements 56
A measurement campaign in the central Italy for the validation of MERIS water vapour: preliminary results 56
Downscaling of land surface temperature using airborne high-resolution data: A case study on Aprilia, Italy 56
Mapping of precipitable water vapour by integrating measurements of ground-based GPS receivers and satellite-based microwave radiometers 55
Atmospheric water vapour retrieval by means of both a GPS network and a microwave radiometer during an experimental campaign at Cagliari (Italy) in 1999 54
Remote Sensing of Masked Fire Spots by Low-Cost Microwave Radiometers 54
MERIS IPWV validation: a multisensor experimental campaign in the Central Italy 54
The usefulness of the Global Navigation Satellite Systems (GNSS) in the analysis of precipitation events 54
K/ka-band very high data-rate receivers: A viable solution for future moon exploration missions 54
Comparison of fractal dimension oscillations and trends of rainfall data from Pastaza Province, Ecuador and Veneto, Italy 52
Analysis and validation of Earth Observation data for propagation tools 52
Atmospheric water vapour effects on SPACEBORNE Interferometric SAR imaging: an experiment to compare ground-based measurements, SPACEBORNE radiometers and numerical weather prediction model at different scales 52
Validation and Integration of ENVISAT Atmospheric Products: Measurements of Integrated Precipitable Water Vapour (IPWV) and temperature profiles over Italy 51
SSM/I data analysis for retrieving cloud properties and comparisons with ground based measurements 51
Development of a Low-Cost Microwave Radiometer for the Early Detection of Fire in Forest Environments 51
Atmospheric water-vapor effects on spaceborne Interferometric SAR imaging: comparison with ground-based measurements and meteorological model simulations at different scales 51
Estimation of tropospheric profiles using COSMIC GPS radio occultation data with neural networks 50
Neural Networks and polynomial regressions for the retrieval of atmospheric water vapour and rain rate by ground-based microwave radiometry 50
Atmospheric water-vapour effects on spaceborn Interferometric SAR imaging: data synergy and comparison with ground-based measurements and meteorological model simulations at urban scale 50
Fire Detection by Microwave Radiometric Sensors: Modeling a Scenario in the Presence of Obstacles 50
Preliminary results of the validation of Meris water vapour in the central Italy 49
Analysis of aerosol optical depth retrieved by MODIS and MERIS and comparison with photometer data 49
Validation of near infrared satellite based algorithms to retrieve atmospheric water vapour content over land 48
Inter-Wall Fire Detection by Low-Cost Microwave Radiometric Sensors 48
Urban heat island analysis over the land use zoning plan of Bangkok by means of Landsat 8 imagery 48
COSMIC GPS radio occultation: neural networks for tropospheric profiling over the intertropical ocean area 47
Sviluppo di reti neurali per la determinazione di parametri atmosferici da radio occultazione GPS-COSMIC 47
Mapping the atmospheric water vapor by integrating microwave radiometer and GPS measurements 47
Atmospheric profiling by GPS Radio Occultation 46
Atmospheric profiling in the inter-tropical ocean area based on neural network approach using GPS radio occultations 45
Neural Networks for Arctic atmosphere sounding from Radio Occultation data 45
Telerilevamento di eventi precipitativi da satellite con sensori a infrarosso 43
GPS measurements for mapping atmospheric water vapour during a flood in the North Italy 43
Mapping water vapour at high resolution: a possible support to coastal altimetry tropospheric corrections 42
Cloud model studies for the simulation of brightness temperatures: improvements and applications to cloud classification from radiosoundings 42
Development of neural networks for tropospheric profiling from cosmic GPS radio occultation 42
Esperimento Cabauw: algoritmi d’inversione per la stima di paramentri atmosferici con radiometri a microonde da terra 42
The Use of Time Correlation in Designing Algorithms for Microwave Radiometric Retrieval of Atmospheric Temperature Profiles 42
Tecniche di ‘change detection’ attraverso l’utilizzo del sensore laser scanning 3D 42
Neural Networks for tropospheric profiling from GPS-LEO radio occultation 42
Mapping the Land Surface Temperature over Urban Areas from Space: a Downscaling Approach 42
Remote sensing of the urban heat island effect in a highly populated urban agglomeration area in East China 42
A response of snow cover to the climate in the northwest himalaya (Nwh) using satellite products 42
Retrieving Atmospheric Temperature Profiles from Microwave Radiometry Using A-Priori Information on atmospheric Spatial-Temporal Evolution 42
Cloud model studies for the simulation of brightness temperatures 41
Assessment of water vapor retrievals from a GPS receiver network 41
Land surface temperature retrieval from Landsat 5, 7, and 8 over rural areas: Assessment of different retrieval algorithms and emissivity models and toolbox implementation 41
Feeding the World with Microwaves: How Remote and Wireless Sensing Can Help Precision Agriculture 41
Neural-network retrieval of Integrated Precipitable Water Vapor over land from satellite microwave radiometer 40
A Novel Measurement-Based Method for Assessing Global Warming Mitigation via High-Albedo Solutions 39
Development of a neural network for precipitable water vapour retrieval over ocean and land 39
The role of a priori information in designing retrieval algorithms for microwave radiometric profiling of the atmosphere 39
Spectral index utility for summer urban heating analysis 39
An Efficient Gain Estimation in the Calibration of Noise-Adding Total Power Radiometers for Radiometric Resolution Improvement 39
Slot-fed Dual-Port Patch Antenna for Compact Harmonic Transponders 38
Comparison of MM5 Integrated Water Vapor with Microwave Radiometer, GPS, and Radiosonde Measurements 38
Cloud liquid models for propagation studies: evaluation and refinements 38
Satellite-based retrieval of Precipitable Water Vapor over land by using a neural-network approach 38
Totale 5.643
Categoria #
all - tutte 34.376
article - articoli 0
book - libri 0
conference - conferenze 0
curatela - curatele 0
other - altro 0
patent - brevetti 0
selected - selezionate 0
volume - volumi 0
Totale 34.376

Totale Lug Ago Sett Ott Nov Dic Gen Feb Mar Apr Mag Giu
2019/2020341 0 0 0 0 0 14 104 3 107 34 6 73
2020/20211.435 7 106 44 105 397 72 99 11 147 40 114 293
2021/20221.180 17 209 40 85 24 6 19 404 39 10 122 205
2022/20231.923 176 296 35 158 152 212 4 96 681 9 72 32
2023/2024870 42 113 59 17 16 21 87 22 195 44 119 135
2024/2025930 82 241 74 87 389 57 0 0 0 0 0 0
Totale 7.650